Chapter 3.

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Hey guys, 

Thanks for reading. This chapter is a bit long but I just couldn't stop writing in the middle. Hope you enjoy reading it. Vote, comment and continue reading please. Thanks! 



*Ed’s POV*

While I save her number on my phone I turn around from the elevator too fast and trip on the carpet I have right next to the door. My phone goes flying out my hand and lands a couple of feet away, in pieces. The back and the battery are lying next to the phone.

CRAAPPP! I think as I go and assemble it again, trying to turn it back on. I tap my foot impatiently as the opening tone plays and as soon as its functional again I look through my contacts hoping that Gabriella’s number had saved. Nop…no Gabriella anywhere. I can’t believe I had lost her number. Now there is a chance that I’ll never see her again. I don’t know why that thought made me so sad; after all I meet fans every single day. But the way she asked me all those questions, as if she already knew me made me what to talk to her, just talk. But I guess now that’s not going to happen. My phone beeps and it was Stuart reminding me of tomorrow’s gig. I guess I should just get to bed now. I walk slowly to my room not really looking forward to tomorrow. I hope she doesn’t think I’m not calling her on purpose... I think before drifting off to sleep.

*Gabriella’s POV*

What a long long day, the accident was much worse than expected and I had worked for another 6 hours making sure all the patients were where they needed to be. It was already 2 A.M when I stumbled into the on call room where doctors usually slept on breaks. I collapsed on the bed and instantly fell asleep with Ed Sheeran’s face the last thought on my mind.

I slowly woke up looking around me wondering where I was, I usually never sleep in the hospital but yesterday was just exhausting. I can hear my stomach growling, since I hadn’t eaten all day the day before. I quickly leave work and grab some breakfast before walking home. I put my headphones in and “Cold Coffee” comes on, I smile a little thinking how ironic that is. Was he really going to call or did he just not want me to leave on an awkward note? Nah, of course he’s not going to call. Why would an international sensation call sad old me? 

Finally I get home and see my two roommates and bestfriends making breakfast.

“Hey, sleepy head,” Florence calls out to me. You can say she’s the quiet one of us three, that is until you get to know her a bit better. She’s turns into a chatter box. She has amazing long blond hair that falls almost to her waist. And big green eyes that clash a bit with her heavy-rimmed squared black glasses. I was quite jealous of her perfect tiny nose and her tiny skinny body. She wears like a size 0… grr.. anyways, overall she looks like a little pixie fairy, hence our nickname for her.

“Hey there, fairy. You guys missed me? I had the absolute weirdest day ever yesterday.” I say to them while trying to gobble up my breakfast between words. Man, I was really starving.

“We heard about the accident on the news and thought you’d probably spend the night in the hospital since it happened so close to it,” replied Patricia. “Why else was the day weird?”

I’m not quite sure I should tell them about Ed, I mean it was not like I would ever see him again, except (I hope) in concert along with a bajillion other people. But then again Patricia works in Vogue and has a pretty big mouth. I didn’t want anyone that had anything to do with media to hear about it. I know just how nasty their made-up stories could get, and there is no way I would be the cause of bad publicity for Ed.

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