Chapter 26.

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Heyy guys,

OMG thanks to all my readers! I asked for 700 reads and got almost 900. You guys make me happy. I'm really looking forward to the 1000 reads mark, please help get there hopefully after this chapter!! Love you all.



*Gabriella's POV*

Wow it's been a hectic month! I was so happy the day Jessie woke up. I couldn't contain my excitement. I don't know what I would've done if she hadn't woken up, she is my only sister after all. I realized how much you have to make the moment count, since you never know what's coming next. I've been calling her and my parents more since I came back to NYC. I've gotten in touch with many of my old friends and some forgotten relatives. It's been great even though I'm at work every waking moment to make up for my long absence.

I've also extended that philosophy to Ed and I's relationship. I never know when he might be taken from me so I try to show him how much I care. This was very hard for me to do since I'm not an affectionate person. I've been trying hard to seize every moment. I kiss him when I want to, without holding back. I hug him when I crave his warm embrace. I show up to his apartment unannounced just to see his beautiful face.

Of course he's noticed all these changes and he's loving it. Every time I grab his hand or peck his lips he gives me the biggest, most genuine smile ever and I wonder why I haven't done this a long time ago. He's letting me go at my own pace and warm up slowly to the idea of being all lovey dovey. However, we still have not gone public, nor do we plan to honestly.

"Ed, you know I want to stay Gabriella Hastings in NYC for as long as possible right?"

"Yes, I know love. Also, don't forget that I really don't like my love life to be in the public eye. I just don't think I should be selling my life to my fans. They love my music and me as an artist but there are some things I'd much rather keep private." I smile when he says that because I heard him say the same thing in an interview before. "If the media found out I'm living here under a different name they'll have a freaking ball. Top that off with dating a famous singer and I can kiss my privacy goodbye." He just leaned in and kissed me softly, "Don't worry darling, we'll keep it on the down low."

I was so relieved that we both had the same opinion on this particular issue. Harry and Jessie, on the other hand, decided to go public straight away. Harry wanted to show her that he was serious about her. So unlike his previous flings, he didn't let the public guess, he straight up said he was dating her during a big interview. She was completely ecstatic of course. She still didn't trust him a hundred percent but he was making a big effort and she noticed.

Ed's been in London for two weeks now and I miss him like crazy. We skype and stuff but it's not the same. I want one of his bear hugs. However, I'm not the clingy type so I try to give him as much space as he needs to do his job. We both are very career oriented and I know better than to make him feel bad for leaving me behind when he's doing what he loves. I occasionally open the tabloids and online sites to see if there was anything new about him in them. Normally they're all complete crap but somehow I feel closer to him when I read those stories. I open now one of these sites and scroll till I find a big headline about 'Ed Sheeran and a mystery girl'. Oh no, please tell me they didn't find out about us. Oh no oh no oh no. I open the link with shaking hands and instead of finding an article like expected, I find a video. Now I'm more curious, him and I are never seen in public so how did they get a video of us?

I wait for the vid to load as I hold my breath. My eyes are glued to the screen for the full 1 minute video and what I see makes me want to throw up. It's so much worse than us being outed.

(Sorry for the cliffhanger!! Gonna update when I reach 1000 reads! Tell all of your friends, Vote and Comment!!)

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