Chapter 11.

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Hello again, 

Two updates in one night, because I'm cool like that. The chapters after this are going to be full of events so you beeter keep reading. You won't want to miss it. Comment and vote pleaseee. 



~3 days later~

*Ed’s POV*

~Ring ring ring ring ring~

I heard my phone ringing but I couldn’t be bothered to get up. I haven’t really been in the mood to do anything for the past couple of days.

~Ring ring ring, Hey this is Ed, can’t get to the phone now, leave a message. Beep.~

~Ed, its Ella, please call me back. I’ve been calling you for the past couple of days. I know you’re still tired from your tour but I miss you.~

I felt bad, she sounded very concerned. But I don’t know if I could see her just yet, how can I pretend I wasn’t heartbroken? I decided to just suck it up and call her. Even if she couldn’t be mine, I wasn’t about to lose her as a friend too. I called and she answered on the first ring,

“Hey Ed!! I was beginning to think you never wanted to talk again.” – Ella,

“Of course not, just sorting some stuff out you know, catching up on sleep and all that good stuff.” –Ed

“Well, when are we hanging out?” –Ella

“You can come over if you want.” – Ed,

“Alright I’ll be over in 1 hour after my shift at the hospital ends.” –Ella

“Great, see you then.” –Ed

And we hung up. Was I strong enough to do this?

I pick up my guitar, a pen, a paper, and start strumming. There was so much emotion I was trying to liberate in the words I wrote. 

*Ella’s POV*

Finally I was on my way to Ed’s place, I really missed him and seriously wanted to talk to him. I go up the elevator and step into the apartment I had become to familiar with before he left. I see him stand up from his seat and walk towards me. I run and give him a big hug; this time he actually hugs me back. Thank God, I thought maybe he hated me now or something. I noticed he looked like he hadn’t slept in days, even though he had told me he was busy catching up on sleep… hmmm…

“Are you ignoring me Mr. Ed Sheeran?” I ask playfully with a lopsided smile on my face.

“Never,” Ed said with a hint of a smile, even though it never reached his eyes.

“Then what’s up? And how was the tour, tell me everything,” I said lunging onto one of his couches which I still love so much.

He looked like he was trying to make up his mind about something then said, “I’ve just been exhausted, that’s all. The tour was great, we went to many cities in the US. All the shows sold out, and the fans were awesome.”

He then went on to tell me all the details I kept asking him relentlessly about. I really didn’t want to mention the whole Mark incident, but he brought it up first,

“So are you and Mark an item now?” I saw flash of pain in his eyes before he turned around and pulled drinks out of the fridge.

“Not exactly, I mean we’re dating but we’re not officially together.”

He left it at that and we continued talking about his tour, and how excited he was to go back into the studio and record some new things. He wasn’t touring anymore this year, and was focusing a lot more on his new album. I was so happy that he wouldn’t have to leave here as often. By the time I was leaving, I didn’t feel awkward anymore. It felt just like before his tour, it was great to have my friend back. 

A couple of days later, after quite a gruesome 12 hours at work, I remembered that my sister’s birthday was coming up. I decided to call her and check up on her.

“Hey G!” I heard her from the other side.

“Hey Jessie, how are you doing?”

“I’m good, starting winter break in a couple of days. And I was thinking of coming over to NYC, to annoy the hell out of you, what do you think?”

“I miss you too sis.” I said, rolling my eyes even though I knew she couldn’t see me. “I’ll see if I could take some time off so I can spend time with you. What are you doing on your birthday by the way?”

“Oh, you know the usual. Mom and Dad are throwing me a party on New Year’s Eve. You of course are coming,” she said.

Yup that sounded exactly like my sister, assertive and bold. She wasn’t asking me as much as she was telling me. Her and I weren’t the same at all. In fact people rarely noticed that we were sisters. While I was wide set, she was super skinny. She wasn't so small that she looked anorexic though. She had wide brown eyes and light brown hair that fell in perfect loose curls all the way down her back. She was quite tall, and overall looked something like a supermodel. Before I made the huge decision that landed me in NYC I was quite jealous of her, and her perfect figure. They always called me the brain of the family, and her the beauty. She is turning 18 in two weeks and I know she's excited, no matter how much she tried to hide it behind her walls of confidence.

“So G, I heard One Direction were going to play a show in NYC next week. Maybe if I come visit you I’ll run in to them,” she squealed. The only thing that can make my sister lose her aristocratic air was fangirling over one 1D. I found it all quite hilarious.

“We’ll see Jessie, so when exactly are you coming?” I say, trying already to mentally arrange my schedule. 

“Hmm… today is Wednesday isn’t it? I was thinking maybe Friday night.” She stated.

“Alright great. I really need to sleep now, its been an exhausting day. Text me all the details,” I said stifling a yawn.

“Love you, G.”

“I love you too, J.”

We hung up, and a perfect plan began to form in that smart brain of mine. I’ll have to start working on it tomorrow though as I was already in bed, half asleep. 

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