After thoughts.

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Hey everyone, 

This is the first time I do this but I just wanted a bit of space to show you how each character felt. The next chapter is going to be huge, and I'll update very soon, so keep reading. Also, what do you guys think of Mark? Comment, vote and fan! 



*Mark’s POV*

Well that was awkward. I thought it was the perfect moment to make a move on her. And I was right till that stupid pop star guy came in. I knew I had to be as nice to him as possible because he was important to Gabriella. I was unnerved by the looks he was giving me, but I wasn’t going to let that affect me. I knew what I wanted and I was going to get it, just like everything else in my life. I don’t accept failure once I’ve set my mind on something. He shouldn’t stand in the way of Mark. Andrews. Black.

*Ed’s POV*

I walked home, unfeeling. I got in bed and lay there for what seemed like, and probably was, hours. I couldn’t get the image of Mark kissing Ella out of my mind. It was like it was burned there forever. Every time I closed my eyes I saw them and I felt my heart ache more and more. I can’t help feeling that I’ve missed my chance with her. I was in her life before him, and I could’ve made a move but I was too much of a coward. I liked to take things slow, but then I left and she met Mark. I left, and she didn’t know how I felt. Hell, at that point a couple of weeks ago, even I didn’t know how deeply I felt for her. Again I see them on the couch with their lips locked in my mind’s eye. Mark. I didn’t know the lad but I knew that I hated him. Something about him didn’t seem right. But maybe that is just my jealousy getting in the way. At that moment, when I saw them there was a wave of possessiveness that came over me. I’m not usually the type of person that got mad easily, but right now I was furious. Mad at her for replacing me so fast (even though I knew that I wasn’t being fair, we were just friends after all), mad at Mark for stealing Ella from me, and fuming at myself for letting go of her that fast, for not letting her know how I truly felt.

I saw the sunlight starting to make its way into my room and finally felt completely exhausted. I fell into a black and dark sleep. 

*Ella’s POV*  

I kept thinking of the pain I saw in Ed’s eyes. His perfect blue eyes weren’t the honest, caring one I’m used to. They were hardened and cold. I could see him trying to control his anger. But why was he so angry? What did I do wrong? After all, he never showed any interest in me except as a friend. It wasn’t like I was cheating on him or anything. Yes, I did have feelings for him, but that was probably just because I’m a huge fan. I love him like all those screaming girls do (right?).

Mark is real. He’s here for me when I know Ed isn’t, he doesn’t treat me like a friend, he treats me like I’m special. And its been such a long time since someone has made me feel that way. Mark is in my field of work, he knows what I’m going through. My job is the most important thing to me, and Ed can never be a part of that. I remember how in awe he was the first time he saw me in the ER. And I couldn’t be with a person that was so famous like that. I hated the attention. With Mark, I can just be me.

I kept trying to rationalize all of these things in my mind, but Ed's face kept haunting me. That look of pain kept infiltrating all my thoughts. I never wanted to be the cause of it ever again, even though I still don’t know what made him feel that way exactly. As I fell asleep I wondered how a day that should’ve been full of celebration turned out this way. 

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