The Hospital

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Quick A/N

I hope you like it :) maybe this will make you cry... or laugh... or smile... or something... if you DO read the whole thing... please tell me what you think of this chapter. Or if you cried, or smiled, or laughed, or frowned or something :) I just wanna know if you liked it!!!


~Desirae's PoV~

I can't remember exactly what happened, but I do remember Harry yelling for help while he held  me in his arms. I think he's the one who called 911, but I'm not sure who did. The ride in the ambulance consisted of my eyes locked with Harry's, neither of us saying anything.

I could feel my eyes starting to drift close, and Harry caressing my cheek shouting at me not to close my eyes. He was yelling for me not to leave him. He sounded as if he was about to start crying, but I couldn't help it. I closed my eyes. Before I lost my light grip on consciousness I felt two smooth lips meet mine for a brief few seconds.


"How's she doing?"  I think I heard a girl say softly.

If I heard her right, it sounded like McKenna. I felt a larger, rough hand holding mine, intertwining our fingers. I'm guessing it was Harry's.

"I don't know. The doctors said that she should've woken up by now." Who I think was Harry responded, he sounded on the verge of tears, or that he had been crying.

"Haz, it'll be fine. She'll be okay, I promise." One of the boys said, it sounded a little like Niall.

"Hey Desirae. I know you haven't known me for long, but I would be heartbroken if you don't wake up." Is that Nevaeh?

"Yeah, c'mon girl. Be a trooper. You can get through a little scratch like this!" That sounds a lot like Louis...

"Shut up Lou, that's not helping." Definitely Harry.

"Hey, I'm only trying to help!"

"Desirae, you gotta wake up! I'm sorry I was bitchy when we first met. If you wake up I'll be nicer!" Sounds like Emma.

I heard more muffled sounds. My small headache was growing with all the noise. "Can I talk to her alone?" Harry questioned.

"Yeah, sure,"  The other people stated before the left- at least I think they left.

"Dez?" Harry asked, clutching my hand. "I don't know if you can hear me, but I just wanted to tell you that I really think I'm falling for you," His voice cracked. "I know that might be a little too fast, but I can't help it. You are driving me crazy. Please wake up. I need you. I don't know how you feel about me, but I really like you and I'll be whatever you need me to be- a lover, friend, boyfriend, date, protector, family, I'd even pretend to be a girl so you could pour your heart out to me. I know it's a little cliché, but I would really be anything or anyone you asked me to be. If you wake up, you can stay here in Evesham! You'd never have to go back to your terrible family or boyfriend again! You could stay here with me. We could do whatever you want. Just... Just please wake up," I could tell by now that Harry was crying.

Harry's loving words caused my heart to jump-start again. I could feel it beating faster and faster until I could feel my eyes open again.

Waking up, I found I was in a hospital bed with one of there oh-so-gorgeous gowns (note my sarcasm). "You're awake," I heard Harry whispered, baffled. "Guys! She woke up!" Harry yelled.

He caused a lot of people to storm into the room.

"Okay, Let me talk to her for a minute then you guys can come back in," a male voice responded sternly.

Why did everyone come? They don't know me... they only just met me. I pushed the thought away as a tall male approached me. "How are you feeling?"

"Fine I guess," I responded, avoiding eye contact.

"You are a lucky one. A half centimeter to the right or even up, and you probably would've been a goner. You lost quite a bit of blood, but your body should make up for the loss within the next few hours. To make you even more lucky, you didn't get the knife's infection it was carrying. You truly are a lucky one. That boyfriend of yours got you here just in time for the infection not to harm you. Just try to take it easy for a few days," he said sympathetically.

Boyfriend? Is that what Harry said or what he's just assuming? I nodded slowly, taking in the information. "Thank you doctor," I responded as he walked out the door. "Wait!" I called, causing him to turn around. "When do you think I'll be able to leave?"

"Probably tomorrow afternoon or in the next few days," he answered as he stepped out of the room. "Alright, you can go see her now,"

"Desirae!" Nevaeh yelled at the same time as Emma, Liam, Niall, Alex, and Louis.

"See Haz! I told you she was a trooper! I knew she could survive a little scratch like this!" Louis added, patting Harry on the back. 

 Instead of responding, Harry have Louis a look telling him to shut up.

"I'm so happy you're not dead!" Nevaeh yelled as she practically jumped on me to give me a hug.

After Nevaeh's little outburst, I received hugs from Niall, Louis, Zayn, Liam, even Emma and McKeena. We talked for a bit about nothing until they decided it was time to go.

We said our good-byes and everyone but Harry left. "You coming Haz?" Liam asked.

"Nah, I think I'll stay here for the night," Harry answered while looking at me.

I smiled. I actually really wanted Harry to stay, but I wasn't expecting him to stay all night. "Hey," Harry said once everyone was gone.

"Hey," I responded, grinning.

"How are you feeling? Need me to get you anything? Are you comfortable? Hungry? Thirsty? Anything?"

I laughed. "No, I'm fine. I think I'm going to get some sleep though. It is kind of late," I informed him, but then realized that he probably stayed to talk to me. "Sorry, you probably stayed to talk to me. You can go home if you want, they probably haven't left yet."

"Nah, it's fine. I need some sleep too, it's about three thirty. Good night, beautiful, see you in the morning," he said, as he pushed some of the chairs together.

"Wait, maybe I could get a nurse to give you a few pillows and a blanket," I stated, pressing the button to signal for a nurse. "Hi, can I get a couple more pillows and a blanket or two?" I asked when she came to my side.

She looked a little skeptical, knowing that they were for Harry, but she nodded and walked out of the room. Once she came back, she handed Harry the two blankets and two pillows right away. "Thank you," the two of us said at the same time.

The dark-haired nurse left the room and shut the door. Harry settled down -using two chairs as a bed and both of his pillows- on my left side. I turned my head away from him and slowly drifted off to sleep. I knew that he was still awake because he was rubbing my back, causing me to fall asleep a lot fast then I normally would've. "By the way, Harry, I think I'm falling for you too," I whispered, loud enough for him to hear before I fell asleep.



Alright guys! there you go :D I hope you liked it :)

lol it probably didn't make you cry... it shouldn't have... but lol STILL please tell me what YOU thought of this chapter... I seriously LOVE to hear from you guys and read every comment I get (when I do get them anyways...)

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I'll try to update within the next week or so :)

Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Love you :)

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