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~Harry's PoV~

Why would I say that? If he doesn't kill her, she's going to kill me. Damn it.

"What the fuck did you just say!" Malus demanded.

"You heard me," I said, putting on a brave face. "You only want her for a slave and a punching bag."

"I'll give you one more chance boy, what did you just say," Desirae's father threatened.

"You don't love her. To you, she's just a slave. If you want to punch something, join boxing. Seriously, you aren't in the best place to threaten me, I could call the police right now and you'd be stuck in jail for the rest of your life," I fire back.

The older man glares at me. "You wouldn't dare tell anyone. You wouldn't do that to her. You don't have the balls to send me to jail."

"Are you sure about that?" I taunted, pulling out my phone. "I'm sure she'd be be glad to get you out of her life."

"You wouldn't send her dad to jail," Malus snapped.

"How dare you say that you're her dad. You may be her father, but you'll never be her dad," I spat angrily.

Triggering his anger, the forty year old man raises his right fist. The blow caused me to take a few steps back. My face is throbbing, but I refuse to hit back. There must be a reason that she didn't send her family to jail, or that she didn't fight back. If she didn't then I shouldn't either.

The man throws punch after punch to my face and torso. It's getting to the point where I don't know how long I can take it anymore. One more punch to my face and I'll probably be out.

~Desirae's PoV~

"Oh gosh," I whimper.

I don't know how much strength I have to fight off Louis and Niall. Those two boys will probably kill me someday. "Desirae!" Louis exclaims.

"How's Haz's girl doing?" Niall adds.

I laugh at the two as they lay down next to me in my bed. "Why are you guys here?" I tease, gesturing for them to give me a hug.

I receive a quick hug from both of them and Niall answers my question. "We just wanted to see how you were doing."

"Yeah, we can leave if you want us too," Louis jokes.

"No, don't leave me! Hospitals are so boring," I respond dramatically.

"Then maybe we should leave. If hospitals are so boring," Niall pipes.

"Hey, where's Harry?" Louis questions.

"He's down there taking to that guy," I say, sitting ing up to look at them.

What I see shocks me. I don't see the two boys talking, I see the other man beating on Harry. The thing is, Harry isn't fighting back, and he doesn't look like he can take much more.

Adrenaline pumps through my blood and causes me to push through the pain of my leg. Never in my entire life have I ever ran so far so fast. If we were lower to the ground, I would've jumped out the window. I could hear Louis and Niall calling for me to come back, but I refuse. No one hits Harry... no one.

"Get the fuck away from him!" I scream at the man.

"This is your backup?" He questions Harry. "Pathetic," he said as he kicks him one more time in the face.

As I run toward him, I find Harry unconscious on the ground. It takes everything in me not to kill him, so I settle for just punching him. My fourteen years of boxing help to to pin the older man easily. As I raise my left fist for one more punch, I stop myself. The man I'm beating is my father.

"Desirae! Knock the fuck off! You little bitch! You do not hit your father do you understand!" He yells at me.

As I get off of him, Harry comes to my mind. I rush over to him and get on my knees. "Harry, baby, are you okay?" I start to cry as I caress his bleeding face.

"You slut! Who says you can have a boyfriend? You little worthless whore! You've only been here for three days and you found a new boyfriend! You and Hunter are still dating and are going to get married the minute you get home! You hear me bitch?" My father yells, pulling me off of Harry.

"But daddy I-"

"Don't talk!" He demands, raising his left arm and slapping my face. "You hear me? You know what, I think I'll call Hunter right now and tell him to bump up the wedding plans. You two can get married here. Maybe that will stop you from being such a slut."

My father slaps me one more time and drags me away from Harry. I have no idea what to do. I can't take my father down, but Harry needs medical attention. "Dad, we can't leave the hospital. They need to tell me I can go first."

"Why the fuck are you out here then?" He yells. "Fine, you go in there and tell the nurse that you are feeling better. If you tell anyone about what happened, I'll kill him myself, understand?"

I nod and rush back up to my room. When I got up there, Niall and Louis were still there, and they brought a nurse in too. "Did you see what happened down there?" I asked all of them.

"Yes, we did. Who was that?" Niall answered.

"That's my dad. But I can't tell you what happened, or he's going to kill him. I don't know when I'm going to see you again, I'm getting married to Hunter. I'm going to miss you guys so much," I started to cry, and the two boys hugged me. "Nurse? Could you take care of Harry for me? He's unconscious out there. I have to go now. Tell everyone I'll miss them."

Giving the boys one last hug, I left the room.



hope you like it :) more to come soon :) 3+ votes for an early update. :)

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