Chapter 5

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Annabeth's pov
I looked all around camp looking for Percy. I couldn't find him so I started to panic.
"What's wrong Annabeth?" asked Piper walking up to me.
"I can't find Percy and I'm starting to get worried! What if he's gone again like when Hera took him! I can't lose him for another 8 months! What do I do Piper?" I said starting to cry
"Annabeth calm down. Don't panic yet. How about we go ask Chiron and see if he knows anything." said Piper reassuring me. I just nodded my head and we started walking towards the big house.
When we got there Chiron was sitting at his desk in wheelchair form.
"Hey Chiron so you know where Percy is?" I asked
"Yes, in fact I do. I know what you are thinking Annabeth and he is not missing again. He is perfectly safe. He is just getting some new campers from their school in England. He should be here very soon."
All of a sudden there was a thud outside. I ran outside to see what it was and just before I left I heard Chiron say..
"There he is now."
--Time skip-- to when she arrives at where Percy is.
Still Annabeth,s pov
I ran over to where I heard the thud and saw Percy hopping off Blackjack and then turning around to help off a girl that had brown bushy hair and a blushing face. I ignored the blushing though I knew Percy wouldn't leave me and plus I was mad.
"Perseus Jackson!" I yelled at him "How come you didn't tell me you were leaving! You know how worried I was! I thought Hera took you again! Please don't leave me like that again." By the time I was done with that I was crying and I know what you are thinking. So unlike me to cry but when it came to Percy there were exceptions.
"Annabeth don't cry. I'm sorry I didn't tell you where I was going, when Chiron told me to go pick up some people I thought it was really urgent like they were in trouble or something. If I had knew that I was just picking them up then I wouldn't have left camp without telling you. Will you please forgive me?"
"Yes Percy but just please don't scare me like that. He was about to respond when Chiron came trotting up.
"Well Percy I see you have arrived. I would like you to give these kids a tour of camp and explain everything to them. I hope they get claimed." With that he walked away murmuring the last line under his breath.
Sorry for not updating have been really busy but I will start updating more often.

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