Chapter 6

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Harry's pov
Once the guy that came and picked us up from Hogwarts Percy I think it was ended talking to this Annabeth girl this centaur came up and talked to them and I only heard a couple lines of their conversation. I heard something about us getting shown around and getting claimed. I looked around at the others and saw the look of confusion on their faces that I probably had on my face too. So when that guy left I asked what I think was on everybody mind.
"What is getting claimed?"
"Getting claimed is when you get claimed by your godly parent." Said Annabeth "For example my godly parent is Athena goddess of wisdom and battle strategy and Percy's godly parent is Poseidon God of the sea and horses. Hopefully you all will get claimed at the campfire tonight. Or maybe even before that."
"What happens when you get claimed?" asked Hermione
"When you get claimed a glowing sign appears above your head that has he symbol of your godly parent in it." replied Percy "For example Hermione look above your head" Harry looked up and saw that above Hermione's head there was silver glowing sign that had an owl in it and he realized that Hermione had just got claimed. He racked his brain to find out who it was because at that moment everybody got down on one knee (with Harry and the other wizards following their example) and all said "All hail Hermione Granger, daughter of Athena." After that was said everyone got up and went straight back to what they were doing. "Well guess you now know what claiming is and by he way, congrats on being a daughter of Athena Hermione. You are now officially Annabeth's half-sister. Now to the tour. I will be giving you the tour lets go." said Percy. After he said bye to Annabeth he showed us what they called the big house, the lake, the strawberry fields, the cabins, the stables, the forest, the forges, the amphitheater, and the mess hall. Let me just say that this place is really cool! Percy also explained where we would be staying. All of us (besides Hermione who would be staying in the Athena cabin) would be staying in the Hermes cabin until we got claimed. Thinking about getting claimed I couldn't help but wonder who I would get claimed by. I was trying to find out who I would get claimed by by racking through my brain and crossing out all the gods that I thought couldn't be my parent when my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a conch horn blowing.
"That's the dinner bell." said Percy "I will show you where you are eating. Each table eats with their cabin and since most of you are not claimed you will be eating with the Hermes cabin and Hermione you will be eating with the Athena cabin. I will show you which tables those are just follow me." He showed us where each of our tables were and when we went to sit down after Hermione had left for her table we were met by two people who could of been twins except one was taller than the other.
"Hi my name is Travis" said the taller one
"And my name is Conner" said the shorter one
"We're the Stolls and the head counselor of the Hermes cabin. What is your name?" asked both of them at the same time
"Our names are:
And Hermione is the girl at the Athena cabin with the brown hair." I said pointing at the people as I said their names.
"Nice to meet you" said the Stolls
When our food appeared on the table I was about to eat when I noticed everyone standing up and making their way to a fire at the front so I asked the taller Stoll who I think was Travis what they were doing.
"Each night at dinner time we sacrifice part of meal for the gods and say prayers"
I did what he told but when it was my turn I didn't know what to pray about so I just asked whoever my parent was to claim me. After dinner Conner leaned over the table and said to all of us...
"Time for capture the flag! Were teamed up with Athena, Poseidon and some others. We need to make our strategy and you guys need to learn the rules. We also need to get you guys weapons. Come on follow me and Travis!"
I wonder what capture the flag is?
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