Chapter 7

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Hermione's pov
When Percy said that tonight was capture the flag the first thing that popped into my mind was "what is capture the flag?" So when I asked Percy was he said "You'll just have to wait and see" Like that clears things up. So I decided to go get settled into my new cabin and meet some of my siblings while I waited. When I got there I saw the girl from earlier, Annabeth I think it was. I want to get to know her better I decided do I walked up to her to start a conversation.
"Hi, Annabeth right?" I asked her
"Yeah. Hermione's your name right?"
"Yeah. So what's it like living here?"
"Oh I love it here, but at girst it's a little hard to adjust to but you will get used to after a while and probably start enjoying it. After all, after a little bit of time to get settled and everything you get used to it here and start to love it."
"Cool. Can you by any chance tell me what capture the flag is? I asked Percy but he said I would have to wait and see."
"If Percy said wait and see them that is my answer too. Oh by the way, I saw you looking at Percy earlier today and I just want to say one thing. He's got a girlfriend and that's me just so you know so back off him. Thank you." After Annabeth said that she left the cabin. I thought about what she said and realized that she thought I was going to ask out Percy. I never was I just thought he was cute besides I barely know him and I like someone else more.
--Time skip--
Time for capture that flag whatever that was. I stayed close to Annabeth for 2 reasons 1) I don't know what to do 2)She is in my cabin and knows what to do. The rest of the Wizards who still weren't claimed were told to line up beside Chiron do they cod get picked to be on a team depending on who would take them. I hope that they are on my team.
"Now we have these 8 new campers who are unclaimed and need a team to be on" said Chiron
"We'll take them" said Percy. Yes they are on my team. The teams stand like this:

Hades (did I forget anyone)

"Now that the teams are made all that is left before we can start the game is to make their strategies to win the game" says Chiron. After he says that everyone breaks into their 2 teams to discuss strategy.
"Ok, so the Wizards are going to guard the flag, stun anyone who comes near, and take them as prisoners.
The Hephaestus cabin will go with the Athena cabin in the middle to fend off the other team from getting on our side, and remember you can use anything you guys build as long as it won't kill or maim.
Half the Hermes cabin will take the left flank and go for the flag while the other half does the same but on the right flank.
Percy you will be taking my Yankees cap and going up the middle without touching anyone so they won't know that you're there and go for the flag.
Everyone got the plan?" Annabeth said. Everyone choruses yes and got into their positions. A horn blew signaling the start of the game. (Annabeth taught me everything I need to know about the game before we started it)
"Ok guys only use stubify (don't if I spelled that right) to stun them. We don't want to hurt anyone on accident." I said
"Hey Hermione" Harry said "When do you think that we will get claimed? I mean you already did."
"I don't know but I hope it happens soon I don't want all of you to be left unclaimed by your parents." I responded. I then heard something rustling in the bushes behind me so I turned around and saw a kid in a red helmet sneaking towards our flag.
"Stubify!" Ginny yelled and he fell to the floor stunned and we picked him up and put him over in the prison. The game went on like that for a while until we heard cheers coming from one of the teams and Annabeth ran overs to us and told us that we won the game! We all ran over to our team to celebrate and I saw a glimpse of a guy with sandy blond hair and a mischievous glint in his eyes (exactly like Fred and George's) holding the flag so I am thinking that he was the one who got it and brought it back to our side. I was about to go over and ask his name when all of a sudden I heard some gasps. I turned and saw Harry with a glowing symbol over his head that I had when I got claimed except his looked different because he was getting claimed by a different God.
"All hail Harry Potter son of Poseidon"

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