The Google

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Starring: Fred Weasely, and Mum
( Fred Weasley=FW, Mum=M)

M: de-gnome garden hacks

FW: Mum?

M: de-gnome garden tricks

FW: Mum? What r u doing?

M: Fred?! What are you doing in the Google?

FW: the what?

M: The Google. It's a muggle thing your father swears by.
de-gnome garden help

FW: Mum, this isn't Google.

M: Take me to the Google
de-gnome garden tricks

FW: UGH, FINE! I'll just get dad to do it.

M: Dad? Who is this!

FW: It is I, the all-knowing Google.!Fear me. Love me.

M: •.•

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