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Chapter 1- Prologue

"Unlimited Online is the newest game and being a VRMMORPG its popular everywhere. At every gaming store there's lines of people waiting for the release, which is at 12:00pm and the game will launch at 3:00pm" the excited reporter said into the microphone with a huge smile on her face. Everyone was lining up hoping to be the first to get the game.

"Now everyone calm down its now 11:59 so in a minute the doors will be open all around the world, for any one of you." She was right it was 11:59 and in the next minute when the doors opened, all around was the cheers of everyone. All of them rushing inside to get very new game.

3 Hours Later =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

"Here it is everyone the very new game Unlimited Online and it's ready for anyone to play, it's just launched up and it's very exciting. Now since I have copy right here" She waved the case for the game in her hand "I'll be playing the game to start a new show for the game. I'll be reporting everything that happens for all of the unlucky people out there without a copy to see on your laptops, TVs or phones. This is Sophia Landers and this is the last time I'll be reporting so thank you and good bye" And the camera was turned off with that said.

The news was exciting for everyone, most putting on the console. All around the world everyone could be heard, in bedrooms or on couches saying "Launch". And all of them being sent into the very new virtual reality.

Author's Note -

Thanks for reading the prologue and I hope everyone likes it, if so please vote and comment. But sorry if you don't like it this is the first book I've written. Thanks anyway.

Also I'll try updating as fast as possible.

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