Chapter 6

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-=- Chapter 6 -=-

It was about midday, so Dytria still had time today to start on gaining enough silver. It would most probably take him a while, but he didn't want to give up.

Dytria watched as Lythia started walking in a different direction. He was guessing she wanted him to follow, from the simple hand gesture.

"Over here, there's a good spot to hunt and get some coin" Lythia said, heading over to the West side of the Town. She was leading him to what looked like a fairly deserted hunting area, so he was curious to what she was thinking. But he decided to follow anyway, since she seemed like she knew what she was doing.

The hunting area was a short way away from the town, with barely any people around, but a few harmless rabbits jumped around the open field. Further along, trees formed around the field, furthest from the town. If he looked carefully enough, he could see slight movements in the trees.

That was exactly where Lythia decided to head towards. It was kind of spooky, but he didn't want to look weak, in front of someone else. So Dytria carried on, as they made it to the start of the trees.

A couple of steps in, and he could barely see Lythia in front of him, as the trees had already grown so thick.

A loud growl came from the left of them. Dytria swung in that direction with his new sword, in defence. Just as a wolf came charging at him. It's jaw opened wide ready to bite, but he quickly slashed downwards at it, barely hurting it, but enough to block the attack.

The surroundings suddenly became darker and quieter, all he could hear was his own breathing. The atmosphere was making this whole scenario much scarier. Dytria heard a snap come from just to his right and he lunged forward swinging his sword blindly.

A howl ripped through the silence. He must've hit the target. Thinking it couldn't have moved far, he swung again, only harder. The attack hit its mark and the wolf dropped to the ground with a thud.

The surroundings cleared up, and everything turned back to normal. Dytria looked around to see that he had walked further into the forest, and couldn't see the border. On the ground lay the wolf. He couldn't figure out what had just happened, with the darkening of the area. But that wasn't his main concern as Lythia was no where to be seen, and she was the only way Dytria knew how to get out.

He didn't want to wasted, all the effort he put into killing the wolf, so he collected the fur from it, and as well as gaining a bit of XP as well.

With that done Dytria looked around again, to get a better look at things. The trees continued on for what seemed like forever. A feeling of hopelessness filled Dytria's body, as now he was completely lost. He still had no idea how he could've gotten so deep into the woods, and for Lythia to not notice as well.

Dytria couldn't just stand there so he chose a random direction and started walking, as it had to be more useful than just waiting there, without any way of knowing if Lythia would even look for him, as they'd only known each other for a short amount of time.

Dytria sheathed his sword as he went. He carefully watched his surroundings, being careful as to not let anything sneak up on him again. That was definitely the last thing he needed at the moment.


After what felt like hours, the terrain started to slope upwards. At first it was at a slight angle, but it quickly changed into the start of a massive mountain. The ground beneath Dytria's feet started to change as well into more gravel and rock. The trees started to thin out, with barely any left to block the sun, which was now directly above him.

When Dytria got a bit higher than the trees, he looked back at where he'd came from, to see if there was any place near enough to walk to, before nightfall.

Trees stretched as far as the horizon. This had surely been one of the biggest forest in the entire game, at least he hoped it was or he'd been doomed in his future if he survived.

From the height of the sun it looked just a bit past midday, so he still had a bit of time. Turning back towards the mountains though, it seemed to grow even taller. It looked like it would take a couple of hours to climb over, but it had to be better than walking back into the forest.

With that thought in his head, Dytria started, half walking and half climbing up the mountain as it slowly became steeper.

After around an hour of climbing, his hands were feeling so sore, as he had no protection for them. So he decided to stop for a bit on this ledge that was less steep than most other places.

Dytria unstrapped the belt which held his sword and, sat it on the ground. It relieved some of the weight from his tired body. Looking carefully, the ledge seemed about five metres wide by about three metres in length, leaving enough room to relax for a while.

Dytria shifted on his sore feet, and decided to sit down. With a rock behind his back, he lifted his hands up and checked over them, to see how bad they were hurt. Surprisingly they had a few cuts on them, but nothing to bad. He was shocked that a game would have this much detail though.

However, he thought that maybe he could wrap, some of the wolf's fur around his hands for better protection, as he didn't really know how to make gloves at the moment. Dytria put that on the list of things he wanted to learn and get better at, for later.

With a thick layer of fur on his hands and more energy to keep climbing, Dytria jumped back onto his feet and started to climb further up.

Dytria glanced up quickly to see how far he had to go and notice he was nearly at the peak. He quickly climbed the rest of the way up and finally sat down. The wolves fur helped a lot as it decreased the amount of damage it did to him.

While sitting down for a while, Dytria looked at his surroundings. The way he came looked steep and so far down, that it was frightening that he managed to climb up it. On the opposite side, though was another steep fall, but at the very bottom was a massive open grassland.

It was covered in grass and seemed to stretch to the horizon. As Dytria looked towards the horizon he noticed that the sun was soon to be gone and night would approach.

Night was a lot worse to be alone in, as there is usually twice the amount of beast that spawn. So for Dytria this seemed terrifying, he had enough skill to last at least an hour or two, but no way he could survive the night.

Dytria heard a loud howl coming from the forest behind him and he knew this was just he beginning of his fight for survival.

Hi again.
I know I haven't uploaded for a while now so here's the next chapter. I've kind of been procrastinating every time I come onto watt pad, but hey I finally got the chapter finished.
~ sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes, I can't notice them all.

Baaaiiiii till next time 🌝

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