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​"Aurora Jade–Blade Alexander, if you two don't get y'all's asses down here in the next five minutes I swear–"

​"Colten, go easy on them. It's their first day back to school. Let's not start it off with you and our stubborn children arguing."

The sound of her mother's angelic laugh ascended heavenly into her room on the second floor. A smile crept upon her peaceful face but it fell when there was a sudden dip in her mattress – her eyes snapped open and as she glanced to her right she saw her twin brother lying down beside her. He was already dressed and ready for their first day of sophomore year at Beacon Hills High; ready for the beginning of lacrosse season with his friends by his side. Aurora rolled her eyes at him before she elbowed him sharply in the ribs and rolled out of her bed. Blade jolted up right, rubbing his soon-to-be bruised side while Aurora chuckled and disappeared into the bathroom that was conjoined with her bedroom.

She really thought she was going to throw up. Closing the door behind her, she put on a clean set of clothes with shaking hands. She was nervous – worried about what was going to happen at school. The brunette was never easily unnerved, but there had always been something about the first day of school that always made her skin crawl. When she walked out again, after applying some makeup, she saw Blade was still in his same position, looking like he hadn't moved a muscle since she left. Taking in a lungful of air, Aurora walked over, sitting down next to him on her bed. He glanced over at her, and suddenly she noticed just how similar their faces actually were. They both had the same sculpted face, both getting that feature from their marble-sculpture-of-a-father. Much to both of their dismay, neither of them got their parents' eye color; a beautifully striking blue. Blade had been given the irises that would give anyone the hankering for chocolate – Aurora, on the other hand, had the eyes that reminded everyone of pine trees.

​"Do you think Mom and Dad will be mad if we missed the first day of school?" Aurora asked, smiling slightly as she adjusted the ring on her forefinger.

Blade shook his head, letting out a deep laugh before standing up, leaning down to pull his sister to her feet. Aurora threw her head back, groaning as he forced her arms through the straps of her backpack and placed the bag on her back. "And to answer your question: yes, I do think Mom and Dad will be absolutely pissed if we missed the first day. So, on that note, let's go before Mom comes up here and shit really hits the fan."

Breakfast at the Wolfe residence was always a nightmare dressed in silk; childish banter between the twins; an occasional piece of toast being throw across the table from father to son; fashion statements being challenged by mother and daughter, and a whining Alaskan Husky bred with a Canadian Timber Wolf beneath the kitchen table begging for one of them to "accidentally" drop some food on the floor. Aurora would've liked to say that any other family occasion was any different – but she'd be lying. It was impossible, being in that house, but none of them would trade their relaxed and comfortable lifestyle for an uptight and controlling one any day.

​"Well, that's enough excitement for me this morning," Aurora and Blade's father, Colten Wolfe, announced as he gulped down the rest of his coffee before standing up from the table. He dusted the crumbs off his pale green scrubs, grabbing the white coat off the back of the chair and shrugging it onto his shoulders. He glanced down at the silver watch on his wrist, sighing when he noticed the time. "All right, gang, I've got a surgery scheduled at nine-thirty. So, I better get going," he said, placing a kiss on his wife, Octavia, and his daughter's heads before clapping a hand on his son's back. "Kids, good luck and have fun at school."

​Blade chuckled, a mouthful of oatmeal. "Well, have fun saving lives, Dad."

Colten shot him a cocky grin. He grabbed his leather bag off the counter and headed out the door. Aurora knew that her father's hope would be wasted. Good luck tended to avoid her. After he left, the rest of them finished their breakfast and coffee at the sleek wooden table. But as Aurora sat there, she couldn't help but think about her future. Her father was a Cardiovascular Surgeon, saving lives on a daily basis, and her mother was a Pediatrician – the both of them working at Beacon Hills Memorial. And she knew that her parents held her in such high regard, knowing that she had the brains to get any PhD that she wished, but Aurora just didn't know if she would be able to live up to their expectations or even if she actually wanted to.

​"So, Blade," Octavia called, pouring herself another cup of coffee while Blade and Aurora began washing the family's dirty dishes. Aurora washed and rinsed while Blade dried and put up. "Are you ready for lacrosse to start? Your father got a call from Coach Finstock yesterday; he said that he was hoping to see you at tryouts this afternoon."

A bright and toothy grin appeared on his lips, finding it hard to contain his excitement he had toward the violent sport. He began to childishly bounce on the balls of his feet as he sloppily attempted to dry off the wet dishes that Aurora was consistently handing him. "Oh, my God, Mom, I'm so pumped. I really think this is my year – my time to finally make first line. I can just feel it."

​"What about the team captain?" Octavia asked, steadily sipping on her coffee while mindlessly petting their dog: Czar's head. She suddenly placed that hand by her mouth as if deep in thought. "Jonathan, was it? Oh, Rose, what is it that you call him?"

Aurora laughed at her mother's failed attempt at remembering the boy's name. "It's Jackson, Mom. And I call him Jackson the Jackass. I mean, as comedic as it seems, it really hits the nail on the head, right Blade?"

​"Yeah, she's right, Mom. He's a complete douche and he totally doesn't deserve his girlfriend," Blade grumbled the last part, not even bothering to hide his jealousy toward Jackson Whittemore, knowing that he wanted nothing more than to have the esteemed Lydia Martin for himself. "She's way too perfect for him."

​"Easy there, killer," Aurora patted her brother's chest before moving to grab her backpack off the table. "You're jealousy is showing."

​"What about you, Rose?"

​"What about me, Mom?" Aurora asked, glancing back over her shoulder as she adjusted the belt fastened around her waist that had come with the white blouse she was wearing.

Octavia stood from her spot leaning against the counter, walking until she was standing beside her daughter and she instantly sensed her uneasiness; watching as her jaw clenched and unclenched. "Are you sure you're all right, sweetheart? You seem a little tense – nervous even."

And with that, there was a high pitched horn echoing through the house from just outside.

​"Well, won't you look at that," Aurora said, landing a peck on her mother's cheek. "Stiles and Scott are here. We'll see you after tryouts, wish us luck."

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not edited.

so, i will admit, for some reason i had a bunch of hiccups trying to post this story - so, if any of you had read the prologue where it only read 'Q' i am so sorry. but, on that note, i wasn't even sure if i was going to post this story before or after i had finished dangerous liaisons...but i'm a "jump the gun" type of person so here we are.

one thing i do know is that I AM SUPER EXCITED FOR YOU ALL TO READ THIS STORY almost as excited as i am to write it seeing as though this is my first ff beginning in season one of TW. i really hope y'all love my ocs (mainly Aurora and Blade) they're such cuties!

anyways, this story is going to be quite a bit different than my Carter's Series, but all I want if for you to love it all the same!

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