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❝ prison of the damned ❞

When Scott had gotten finished "sniffing" the body in the morgue, he discovered that it was in fact the same scent he smelt while at Derek's. That had led them to the perished Hale house — after swinging by Aurora's house to pick up Blade. Aurora was currently holding a flashlight, her body shaking slightly from the crisp air as the three boys dug into the freshly disturbed ground.

    "You guys do realize that the last time we went searching for a dead body things went terribly wrong, and Scott got bit by a werewolf, right?" Aurora asked, watching as Blade, Scott, and Stiles continued to dig.

    Stiles jerked his head up to peer up at her from inside the hole. "Yes, Rose, I had realized that."

    Stiles mumbled softly under his breath as he began to dig once more. Scott and Blade seemed to be in some sort of agreement with her, both of the boys scanning the dark wooded area surrounded them. At least one of them had heightened senses, being able to tell if something was zoning in on them. It sort of gave them a slight advantage — not much, though. Aurora was nervous as well, constantly glancing over her shoulder to make sure that Derek hadn't just magically popped up behind her.

    "What if he comes back?" Blade asked, finally voicing the question that had been on his mind since they arrived at Derek's house, glancing back over to assure himself that Derek's car wasn't coming down the road.

    "Then we get the hell out of here," Stiles huffed, shoving more dirt aside. He wasn't paying any mind to their worrisome questions — not letting them distract him from finding the body.

    "What if he catches us?" Scott inquired, jamming the tip of the shovel into the dirt once more.

    "I have a plan for that," Stiles replied, ceasing his shoveling to look over at Scott, who was appearing to be more nervous than his three friends combined. Aurora scoffed, the only one who actually had the ability to defend himself was the most anxious about getting caught.

    Blade huffed, placing the shoved aside and crossed his arms over his chest. "And what clever plan would that be, Stiles?"

    Stiles narrowed his eyes at the boy, not appreciating his condescending tone. "We all run in different directions. Whoever he catches first — too bad."

    Aurora groaned, stamping her foot into the ground like a toddler who didn't get what she wanted from the toy-store. "I hate that plan. All of you play lacrosse — and Scott has, like, freakish werewolf speed. I'm the one that's going to be crying wolf right before I get caught and eaten by Derek and his smoldering eyes."

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