The Meeting

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My Alarm goes off, I hit the snooze button for like the second time and my mom passes my room. " Didn't your alarm go off Armani? Its time to get up or I am about to wet you my mom says. You see I usually wake up energetic but recently I have been dreaming about some black and red Range Rover following me and I wanted to finish this dream. I wake up sweating you see in this part of my dream I am grabbed by a muscular guy whose face is blurred out and put in the car. Before anything else happens I am awoken by my mom.

I get out of bed and head to the shower, Once out of the Shower I head back to my room to get dressed. I put on my purple and white long sleeve shirt, a pair of Forever 21 jeans and my purple and white Jordan's. Before I head downstairs to grab breakfast my song " Rolling In The Deep " by Adele plays and I know that is Mackenzie calling so I answer it. She reminds me that she will be to me by 7:45 for school. Mackenzie is in the 11th grade and just so happens to be one of my oldest and best friends. After we hang up I glance in the mirror at myself as I am putting my thick curly wet hair in a messy bun. I look at my cell and it says 7:30 meaning my ride will be here soon so Quickly I head downstairs and grab a quick bite to eat. Before I can head out the door my mother Alexa told me that we have a family meeting when I get home and this alarms me because we never have meetings unless someone did something wrong.

My mother wouldn't elaborate but i knew it was going to be heavily on my mind all day. "Beep,beep" there goes your ride my mom informs me as I head out the door. Mackenzie notices the look on my face as I get in her 2016 Black Range Rover. Her car made me flashback to my dream which didn't last long due to "Price Tag" by Jessie J playing on my phone. I knew that song was my mom calling. Quickly I answer the phone and she mentions that the meeting has nothing to do with me but a change in my family. I pretend to wipe the sweat off my head making Mackenzie look at me funny as she pretended to roll her eyes. When I get off the phone I tell her what's going on and she understands why I did what I did. Finally we end up at school but I really didn't feel like going inside, but i knew my mom would ground me if i skipped.


I noticed that after my best friend got off the phone her attitude changed, but I didn't want to bring it to her attention. Instead we get out of my car and walk hand in hand towards our lockers to meet the rest of the crew. Kerrigan( Smart One), Nyccholas(Athletic), Ryan( Suave), Cassidy( Bossy), Mackenzie R. (Leader). We all met near the lockers before the day began and parted ways once the homeroom Bell Rang. I went to home room with Kerrigan and Nyccholas and as we walk to our room I notice a new guy, he was wearing a Blue and Red Jersey, black pants and the Newest Jordan Retro 12's. Before homeroom the girl next to him referred to him as Ethan as she grabbed her books from the locker they shared. I knew I seen or heard that name before but I just couldn't put my finger on it. Before I can go to my locker he walks towards me and introduces himself as Ethan Harrison. " I noticed you eyeing me while I was talking to Noelle so I thought I would come say hi" Ethan says. Once he leaves the bell rings so I meet the crew in Math with Ms. Harris.
While getting ready to copy the notes from the board I hear a familiar voice say " Hey Sexy I never knew you are in AP math ". When I turn around it just so happens to be Ethan! I roll my eyes and turn back to my work ignoring him as he tried to finish talking to me. I like him but I can't let him know that so I have to play hard to get!!
     In AP math I'm trying to get Mackenzie to be my girl but I know she is playing hard to get. While returning to my seat I see this beautiful girl walk in. Ms. Harris acknowledged her as Armani and I knew the name sounded familiar. When finished taking Role we were told to copy the notes off the board and to do the math exercise for homework.
     Armani was sitting in the seat next to me copying her notes when I received a text message from my dad! He sent me a picture of Armani and I'm trying to figure out why. The next message made my phone ring so loud that everyone looked at me including Ms Harris. Quickly I looked at the message and before I could reply Ms Harris was so close to me I thought she was going to kiss me. She put her hand out and asked for my phone," usually I don't mind phones in my class but work has to be done first. She started to read the message " Armani why is there a picture of...." She stopped because she must have seen me motion for her to not go on.
    Well that was awkward I thought to myself as she handed me back my phone. I quickly wrote my notes and turned the volume on the side down. Armani looked at me, rolled her eyes and turned back around. I tried to reply back to my father the best I could. His next response was " Look out for her she is your SISTER". Reading those words almost made me fall out of my chair, but I didn't want to draw attention to myself.
  This boy Ethan has it coming for him if he keeps looking at me. I get it I'm beautiful but there's nothing to look at. Before I can say anything to him I look at him from head to toe. His sneakers aren't even out yet but I want those. The bell rings and I meet the crew at our lockers before the next bell. Mackenzie looks at me with a crazy look and says " What's up with you and my baby Dad Ethan?" Nothing I say while grabbing my English book and putting my Math book and notebook back. The bell rang and I head to English which makes it three more periods until lunch. After school I had to hurry home because of my family meeting with my mom.
    When I get home I see my father Brandon's car in the driveway. I get inside and walk past my parents room but I overhear my dad say " Maybe Alexa is going to tell Armani that I'm not her father and that she is pregnant". Before my dad can see me I head to my room and lock the door. I can feel the tears fall from my eyes what does he mean that he's not my dad. He's the only father that I have known most of my life.
      I open my Facebook and write the status: when you find out that the guy you have known all of your life isn't who you thought he was!! I can't believe I overheard my  supposed "Father"  say he isn't my father. After writing my status I get a friend request from some guy named Anthony Harrison. I don't know him but when I look at his profile pic I notice Ethan. I deny his request but I get off my Facebook because I know a lot of my family will start asking questions. Feeling heartbroken I tune everyone out and put my headphones on.
    I decided to finish the homework I had not done in school. I was so focused on homework that I didn't notice my mom walk in my room. I looked in the mirror and my eyes were really red. My mom notices my eyes and she feels my head " baby are you feeling sick?" She says. I don't answer her but I put my music on blast and finish my homework. She snatched my headphones out my ears and really yelled at me. Not telling her the news I find out she pulls her phone out of her pocket and shows me my latest status.
   Your aunt sent this to me explain Armani and you better not be on Facebook while in school. I don't really want to tell her how I find out but I don't want to get Brandon in trouble. Before I can say anything my mom hits me across my face and I feel a sting. Quickly I head to the mirror and look at the handprint she leaves on my face. I just did I say screaming and crying as my mom tries to hug me. " Why didn't you tell me, I thought you cared about me" I say angrily. What makes you think I don't care about you? I care about both of my children she says and at first I didn't notice she said both of her children.

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