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Four Months Later
I looked at my stomach in the mirror as I brushed my hair. As I am getting myself ready I feel a kick which made me know I made the right decision for my son and I. Ok let me go back to four months ago. My parents decided to homeschool me but I wasn't having it. I stopped talking to Ethan and Mackenzie because me confiding in them caused so much trouble. Ethan has my son's father beat up and I had to talk him out of pressing charges. Caiden apologized for everything after he got better.
I am on bed rest until I give birth which can be any day now. I decided to move away from my family into my own apartment. To be honest because of the stress that my family caused I almost lost my son. Yes I forgave them but I would never forgive myself if I had lost my baby. I have one more doctors appointment today so the doctor is on his way to check on me. The doorbell rang and it so happened to be Caiden and Mackenzie. Not wanting to talk to or see them I have them leave. The doctor then comes and checks to make sure my baby and I are good.
As the doctor is leaving I notice a Jeep which happens to belong to Caiden I then get a call from him trying to talk to me I decline. Heading back into the house i make food and suddenly I feel sharp pains and a gush of water. Quickly I call 911 and trying not to panic I get my bags together to head to the hospital. I can't believe my son is on the way.
I know my best friend is mad at me for all the trouble I caused but when I get a text saying to meet her at the hospital I know she isn't mad anymore. I drop my daughter off to my mom and head over to the hospital to meet my best friend. I am afraid for Armani and I don't know what to expect when getting to the hospital. When I arrived I ask the nurse which room Armani is in and she directs me to her whereabouts.
Armani is crying and yelling at the doctor to give her  medicine for the pain. The doctor is trying to calm her down to explain to her that she is too far along to get anything.
I never thought bringing a life into this world was going to be so painful. The doctor said I am too far along for an epidural but we're able to give me pain meds through my IV. As soon as the meds kicked in I was able to get an hour worth of sleep. I woke up as the nurse was about to check me. She told me I was ready to push when I felt the need to. The only person I had in the room was Mackenzie and even then it was peaceful. Even though we are at odds she will always be my best friend and my son's god mom.
After about an hour of pushing my son was finally in my arms. He was of caramel complexion, with hazel eyes and a head full of hair. He came out so calm as for me I was a nervous wreck. He weighed 6 pounds 7 ounces and was 12 inches long. Once he was cleaned off I held him and instantly fell in love. After I held him I had to fill out his birth certificate. So I can get some rest Mackenzie watched her godson for about an hour.
  I decided to name my son Anthony Khayden Amir Williams. He was so handsome and I can't believe that I am a mother. The fact that when I leave the hospital I will have to take of my son alone. Here I have the nurses help when I get home it is just me and him.
I can not believe that

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2021 ⏰

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