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BETRAYAL: Putting loyalty in someone, and them turning theirs on you. " The saddest thing is that betrayal never comes from your enemies" unknown

As I make my way to the car I call my mother Alexa and she actually answers the phone. We talk for a little while and I hang up knowing that she is happy to talk to me. Not wanting to I call my aunt and tell her I'm on my way home in about an hour. She is mad but I know she will forgive me when she sees how happy I am. After I hang up Anthony tells me that I always have a room in his house if I ever want to come spend the night.

     After a great ride home I give him a hug and grab all the things that he brought me. As I am pulling up to the house I see Mackenzie's car in my driveway and my aunt Tiffany on the front step. When I step out of the car I run to her and give her a hug. The first thing she asks me is Does my phone work?? She eyes the driver who is carrying some of my bags.
I lie and said that its my boyfriend in the car instead of my father. Well we walk up to the house and Jeremiah hands me the bags. When I get inside, I put my things away, I start counting my money before I put it in a secret place in my room. As I am counting my money my aunt Tiff walks in and eyes my money. I know you don't work so where did you get the money?? "
My boyfriend" I say not wanting to tell her it's my dad.
     I finally found my daughter and got to spend time with her. She looks so beautiful and I am going to make sure she wants for nothing. My cell rings and it's the hospital with the results. Not wanting to wait I have them fax me over the results. Quickly I open them and of course she is mine but there is a downside to the results. It says that Armani doesn't belong to Alexa. How do I tell Armani that Alexa isn't her mom??
     I go out and buy Armani a gold necklace and the matching earrings. I go to my Bank  and open her a bank account, then I head to the car dealership and make a down payment on a black convertible Jaguar 2015. Finally after all my running around I call to tell Armani I am meeting with her at 2:30 pm. She is my world and I am going to make sure she knows that. I go and meet My baby girl at school and as she walks out I honk the horn. A girl she acknowledged as Mackenzie looks at me like she knows me. Armani says bye to her friend and runs to me and hugs me.

I knew my father Anthony was coming to my school today and I was so excited. I loved having Brandon in my life but knowing I can be a real daddy's girl excited me. When I get in the car Anthony hands me a box, I open it and there's a big box and a small one. In the small box is a gold necklace, and in the big box is an iPhone 6s rose gold. Being so excited I have Anthony put the necklace on and I give him a big hug. He tells me that I missed something in the box and there are two envelopes one big and one small. In the big envelope there is a typed sign that says " When it comes to Armani Lyrique Williams Anthony YOU ARE THE FATHER!! So excited I hug my father for the second time as I open the small envelope. In the envelope was an ATM card and a bank statement with my name on it! The amount in this account almost caused me to faint but I was too excited to actually faint. " Now you can buy your old man lunch" Anthony said cracking up laughing and Jeremiah joined in.
      My bank account was popping but I wasn't expecting for my dad to open and fund a account for me. My dad and I drove for a little while and ended up at Dave and Busters for some reason. We had so much fun and won a boat load of tickets but this was by far the best day ever. When we left Dave and Busters we ended up at the park for a surprise my father said. When we arrived there was a nice picnic with all kinds of food; before we sit down this guy approaches my father and tries to talk business. My father shuts him down by saying" When she's around there is NO business and hands him a card". Jeremiah escorted the man to where he  had to go but before we could eat Anthony's phone rang so he walked away.
     I received a phone call from Alexa and she was furious that Armani found me and we are hanging out. " What the heck happened that it shows you aren't her mom?" I say accidentally revealing that we got a DNA test. She cursed me out and I didn't argue but I did let her know that I want a relationship with my daughter. What I didn't realize was that Armani was right there listening to what I said to her mom. I can see the tears coming from her eyes as I tried to hug her but she refuses to hug me in return.  She refuses to talk to me and puts her headphones on ignoring every word I say making me upset but I don't want Armani to know that.
    I finally take Armani home and the ride there is awkward because of the silence between my daughter and I. When we pull up to her aunt's house She says goodbye to Jeremiah as if I'm not in the car. I understand that she is upset but before I can drive away I at least try to apologize but she turns around and hugs me. We talk and as we are talking Armani explains to me that she feels her whole life is a lie. We both part ways and Jeremiah and I make sure she gets inside safely. When I get home I talk to Trinity about the situation and we decide to invite Armani over and tell her the truth.
   As I am laying in my bed I am thinking really hard on how to tell Armani that I am her mother and Alexa is her aunt. Today is the day Armani comes over so we can tell her the truth. The reason that I gave Armani to her aunt was that my mom thought I was too young to care for two kids on my own. I gave Armani up for adoption and my sister Alexa decided to take her in as her daughter. The thought of me telling my daughter who I am to her can change everything and her life forever. I look at my cell to see what time it is and I realize that in about four hours I have to wake up and talk to the daughter I never knew.

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