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Ever since I have been following in my father's footsteps I have noticed a lot of  changes in my life. People that have never talked to me before now know of me. My relationship with McKenzie and Ethan have even changed. My best accomplishment has been my new. boyfriend Caiden who just so happens to be captain of the Football and Baseball team. My life ever since has been changing for the good and bad. You see I have been so busy that my grades have been slipping( no I am not proud of this). Both of my parents have been on my back to bring my grades back up and my mother even threatened to send me to Boarding School.

On this particular day I decided to meet Kerrigan at the Mall. It was an ordinary day where we went shopping and out to lunch, we then decide to go back to her house to hang out. Kerrigan decides to walk to the car while I grab a present for her. As I am walking to the car to meet Kerrigan someone grabs me from behind. I try to fight them off but they pick me up, cover my eyes with a rag, and throw me in the car. I recognize one voice as the lady who I thought worked for my dad.

The lady was talking to someone she called Alex and she told him to call Johnathan. I know I heard that name before but couldn't remember where I heard it. The drive seemed like it was taking forever before we stopped. I heard the door open and felt someone grab me." Ow you're hurting my arm" I say panicking. The lady tells me to shut up as they make me walk up like 10 steps. The slamming of the door made me jump, then I heard a familiar voice. Once they called the guys name I knew it was my god father. Why would he kidnap me? Will he try and hurt me? I haven't heard from or seen him in a few years. Finally the blindfold was taken off my eyes and I look my god father in his hazel eyes.


I know I should have just got in the car and picked up my god daughter but you see I am on the run. I haven't seen or heard from my god daughter or her father in a while so I decided to spend time with her. "Well you can't go around kidnapping me and bringing me to weird places whenever you want." I say frustrated. I quickly text Kerrigan and tell her that I am  with her God sister. The next thing I know I am getting a text from My best friend Anthony about his daughter being " Kidnapped". I glance at  Armani after I receive a text saying that she is selling drugs.

" You know what Armani  you need to stop selling drugs and don't ask me who told on you" I say furious. It ruined my life and I know you don't want to be in prison or on the run from the cops. Yes I went to college on a full scholarship and I played professional football but when all that was over I got mixed up with some crazy people. My life hasn't been the same since and I don't want you to ruin your life.
After the talk I had with my godfather McKenzie and Kerrington walks in but the funny part was that I never gave either of them the address. Are they both in on this or do they know something I don't . Suddenly my phone rings and it's my father Anthony calling. So he wouldn't worry I answered the phone normally because I know how he is crazy when it comes to me. " Where are you? Don't say at home because I am sitting in the living room right now." says Anthony. I know I better not lie to him or tell him where I really am. After about an hour my father shows up and he and my god father walk outside. I can see the crazy look on my dad's face as they are talking or maybe arguing. I am bad at reading lips so I don't know what they are saying.


You see Kerrigan and I had a secret that Armani couldn't find out. You see I got my best friend kidnapped by an actor not her godfather. Everyone even her father is in on this tactic to try and scare Armani into stop selling drugs; a business that her father started.You see ever since she joined her family business I notice a change in our relationship and in her behavior at both home and school.  As I walk back in the room with Armani the look on her face almost makes me give the plan away. We begin to talk and she wants to know whats going on; and she doesn't care who tells her. 

I told myself that I would do anything to assure that my best friend stops her crazy ways. Yes I love her dad being in her life but his influence on her is crazy. She used to be an A+ student and now she is getting C+ grades. She is not coming to school as often as she was before joining her dad's business. Our relationship has changed where we don't talk as often as we used to. I hired an actor to pretend to be her god father because I felt  that he could get her to stop. I don't know if it helped but I hope she got the point that selling drugs can change your life in both good and bad ways. I just hope that if I tell her the truth will our relationship as best friends change???

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