17- Being Dead Was Too Boring

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"John!" My eyes snapped open and I was pulled out of my daze at the sound of Ms. Hudson’s voice. "John, can you believe this? Somebody’s claiming that Sherlock is back. Honestly, the nerve! Can’t they just let the poor man be dead in peace?" She entered waving around a newspaper article with my face on it. Upon seeing me she let out a small shriek.

"Hello Ms. Hudson."

"But your dead!"

"Why does everyone keep insisting I’m dead? I’m not dead. Being dead was too boring." She smiled and wrapped me in a hug.

"Oh, I’ve missed you Sherlock! I suppose you'll be wanting your own room back. Johns moved into it you know. Have you told him yet?"

I smiled and pulled out of her arms. "I don’t think that will be necessary," I replied simply. She frowned and looked at me.

"Aren’t you staying? He needs to know, he’s been torn up without you" she looked around cautiously and I walked over to the coffee table. "Between you and me, I think he-"

She stopped as she saw the magazine I had bought earlier which I held up in my hand. Somebody had snapped a picture of John kissing me and somehow it had already been plastered on the front page. "Oh! Well it took you two long enough." she said with a wink. I smirked at her as John entered the room.

"Ms. Hudson, hi. Sherlock, might want to get ready. Need to leave soon if we want to make it on time." My brow furrowed for a moment as I struggled to remember where we were going. There was that high class whatever that John had booked us tickets to, but that wasn’t until tonight. I glanced at a clock to find it much later than I had expected. I had been in my mind palace all day.

I nodded to John. "Sorry Ms. Hudson must get going."

She nodded "Oh of course dear. I’ll just get out of your way." She hurried out of the flat, a smile still playing on her lips from the news I had delivered.


Sherlock searched through his shirts, finally pulling out his purple button down. Not turning around, he started to change. "Are you going to change?"

I looked down at what I had on. "What’s wrong with my jumper?" Sherlock turned around and placed his arms around my neck.

"Nothing, I just thought you might want to dress up a bit. Not exactly what one wears to this type of thing."

“Says the guy who wore a sheet to Buckingham Palace.”

“You liked it. Now go get changed."

I sighed and he let me go so I could change. I felt so uncomfortable in a suit. It felt stiff and awkward. The last time I had worn one had been at Moriarty’s court case. I slipped the tie around my neck and attempted to tie it. Hmmm... That wasn’t right.... I tried again to find I had only managed a rumpled knot. I didn’t bother trying again. I was sure it would get worse and I might end up accidently strangling myself.

"Sherlock? Little help?" he turned and looked at my predicament.

"Yes?" he replied, raising an eyebrow. I motioned at the mess hanging from my neck and he sighed, moving to stand behind me. Reaching his long arms around my shoulders he began to untie my attempt. "Honestly, how did you even manage this?" Finally unknotting it, he began to tie it again, correctly this time. I watched his fingers; it didn’t seem too difficult. Finishing, Sherlock stepped back and looked at me directly before reaching out to straighten the tie and then leaning down and pressing his mouth on mine. Too soon he pulled away. "John?"


"When... When I first kissed you, after I first came back... Why did you run out?"

I stared up into his eyes. "Did... Did you ever think it was too much emotion? I mean, you’re dead, I was going to move out, then you’re back, then you kiss me. I just... It was too much you know?" I saw Sherlock’s brow crease and shook my head. "No, of course you don’t..." I said quietly. Sherlock frowned and opened his mouth as if to protest before closing it again and looking down at his watch. "We should get going." he muttered.

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