19- Let Me Explain...

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I glanced up to see Sherlock dancing with a woman and smiled over at him. The woman looked over at me. She seemed familiar but I couldn’t quite place her. I continued my discussion with the couple next to me, though I wasn’t really paying attention anymore. I glanced back up at Sherlock and felt my heart shatter. He pulled back from her mouth and smiled. That smile dropped from his face when his eyes met mine. John. I could see his mouth form my name though I couldn’t hear him at this distance. I stared blankly at him, trying to figure out what I had just witnessed. No. He couldn’t have. This was Sherlock! I spun on my heel and ran out. I could hear Sherlock pushing past people behind me and I increased my pace as I ran out into the streets.

"JOHN!" I kept going. "John, let me explain." No. I didn’t care what he said. Not after what I had seen just now. "John please!" I could hear so much emotion in those two words. No. I wheeled around to face him.

"No! No Sherlock, I don’t care what is was or why! It was hard enough to forgive you for leaving me, for lying to me. I don’t know that I can forgive you for this too." Sherlock froze in his steps, obviously hurt. Good. He deserves it. I continued down the street, not looking back, knowing how guilty I would feel if I did. Suddenly, a sharp pain went to my head, throbbing against my skull. I felt lightheaded and started to lose balance.

"John? JOHN!" I heard Sherlock’s voice dimly, as if from a long way away. I reached up to my head to try and ease the throbbing pain. My hand felt sticky and I pulled it away to find it red. My legs went out from under me, and my vision started to fade, but all I could focus on was the pounding of my head. I felt myself being lifted and heard Sherlock’s voice again from even farther away, "John Hamish Watson, I love you! Don’t you dare die on me!"


Hmm... Yes. I think I'll leave it here for now. Good place to stop.

Sorry the chapter title is crap, I couldn't think of a good one that wouldn't spoil anything.


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