20- Wake Up

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This is just a reminder that in his mind palace Sherlock can't talk/interact with people.




I woke to find myself back in an empty London. What was I doing here? I walked the streets, unsure where I was going. Turning a corner I froze. There, with his back turned towards me, was a tall man with curly hair. He turned and, seeing me rushed over. Sherlock? What’s going on? He opened his mouth to answer but only gibberish came out. He grabbed my shoulders, then looked down, surprised he could.

His hands moved up to my face, checking if I was really there before he wrapped his arms around me. I just stood there, forgetting how mad I was at him before. It felt like we stood there for hours before he let go and grabbed my hand. He pulled me to one of the houses. The tag on the door read S. Holmes. Sherlock reached in his pocket and drew out a skeleton key, placing it in the lock and leading me up to what seemed to be 221 B. Sherlock stopped briefly on the first floor to look at something on the wall before dragging me up seven flights of stairs. Before he pulled me into a room, I caught the name on the door. Irene.

Sherlock sat me down and grabbed at a remote, flicking on a telly in the corner. Watch he mouthed, sitting down next to me. I looked to see the woman from before in her gold dress standing in front of Sherlock. I listened as they talked about me, reliving it from Sherlock’s eyes this time. She pulled out a computer chip and placed it in her mouth. I saw Sherlock put his mouth against hers and search for the chip. He pulled the chip out of his mouth only to be met by my crushed gaze.

Sherlock flicked the telly off and moved close to me, looking into my eyes, willingly me to understand.

"Sherlock?" Mycroft’s voice called distantly and Sherlock frowned. He started to dissolve, fading around me until I was left alone.


I opened my eyes to see Mycroft entering the hospital room. He frowned as he entered; Mycroft detested hospitals. He had only come because I had refused to leave. “How is he doing?" Mycroft asked, nodding at John.

"They keep telling me he should be fine."

"I hear you have something for me."

"Watch. Irene wasn’t the only one after the plans." I pulled the camouflage plans out of my pocket. "I hope they were worth it," I said, not taking my eyes off of John. Mycroft took them and walked to the door. Reaching it, he turned back to face me.

"I told you once before. Caring is not an advantage."


I left the room as I listened to this distant conversation. I started to walk back down the hallway but stopped. John. Curious, I reached for the handle.


I sat there staring at John, willing him to wake up, to be fine. I knew he wasn’t dead. If the fact that I had seen him in my mind palace wasn’t enough, the constant and annoying beep of the monitor reminded me of this fact. So why wouldn’t he wake up?

I stood up from the plastic chair I was sitting in and started pacing the room, trying to distract myself from John’s helpless figure, but the beeps emitting from the monitor kept pulling me back to reality. I sat back on my chair and hung my head. This was all my fault. Not only was I the reason he had run out, but I was pretty sure that this was one of Moriarty's men I had missed. I moved my chair closer to John’s bed and took his hand in mine. "John? John, if you can hear me, please wake up."

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