18- The Woman

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We were in a huge ballroom filled with people. Women swirled around in long colorful dresses, some wearing masks, while the men moved slightly more awkwardly, most of them less comfortable with dancing. Classical music played in the background. It was quite fancy, despite being slightly old fashioned. My eyes skimmed the room. There she was. Her. "If you'll excuse me John." I handed him the drink I had picked up-I hadn't noticed I had grabbed it, an odd thing for me-and weaved my way over to the woman I had seen earlier.


"Well hello to you too." She turned around and I was able to confirm my suspicion. It was indeed her, the woman.

She took my hand and placed her hand on my shoulder and I automatically placed my other hand on her waist. "You're married. Since when?"

"Since I met somebody. You know, I've expecting you to find me for a couple days now. Bit late aren't you?"

"I was busy." I replied curtly. I always hated it when ordinary people tried to insult my intelligence, though I couldn't consider Irene Adler ordinary I suppose. "If you're married why are you still going around with different people like Julie Mansic?"

She smiled and leaned in. "I get so...bored." she whispered. "Surely you of all people can understand that." She put her mouth against my cheek, dragging her lower lip against my skin. I stared ahead not letting her affect me.

Maybe if I don't make contact she'll go away.

"With things yes. With people..." I subconsciously let my eyes flick over to John then back to her. "Not so much."

The movement of my eyes did not escape Irene. She followed my gaze to John. "Oh? He's finally admitting that he's gay is he?"

I gazed over at John. He was talking to some people but kept glancing over at me. When he finally noticed I was staring at him he met my eyes and smiled. "No, but he has admitted to loving me, and that's all I care about."

"I suppose you didn't visit me as just a social call."

My eyes snapped back to look at her. "No. I'm sure you know my brother asked me to get those plans back, so if you don't mind." I removed my hand from hers and held it open, waiting for the plans.

"Oh, you mean this?" She dipped her fingers in between her boobs and pulled out a small computer chip in a plastic cover out. I sighed impatiently. "No, I don't think you'll be getting this." She popped the chip in her mouth.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Was that really necessary?"

"I'm not giving it up that easily."

I glared at her before pressing my mouth to hers. My tongue slipped into her mouth but I was not interested in exploring it or kissing her, just finding the chip. Her tongue attacked mine, hindering my progress and blocking me every time approached the chip. Finally I found it and slipped it out of her mouth, guiding it to mine and parting my lips from hers. I placed my finger and thumb to my mouth and removed the chip, triumphantly smiling.

My smile dropped as I looked to the side of the room where John stood, a look of horror and disbelief on his face as he stared at me.


May I just say, I hope you're not reading this for Sherlock's case. It's a pretty crappy case, but it does have some nice Johnlock drama.

Oh and just an FYI, Irene got married in the original Holmes story. That's why she's married here.


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