Part 14

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Dipper pov

After I kissed Bill, everything got kinda fuzzy I smiled up at him, and he put and arm around my waist. I whispered to him, "Please Bill end this nightmare...." He patted my head softly

"Of course Dipper, anything for you...." I kissed his cheek before I started seeing black dots next thing I knew i was surrounded by darkness. 

when I woke up my head hurt really bad, I looked around and realized I was back at my bed at the Mystery Shack. I looked over and saw Mabel wasn't in her bed I got up, while holding my head. 'ugh! I felt like I was just hit by a bus. I slowly make my way down the stairs.. seeing Mabel at the breakfast table smiling and Stan reading the local newspaper and Ford just walking out of his lab behind the Vending machine.

Mabel was eating cereal with a gallon of Mabel juice on the side and Stan was just drinking coffee. I looked at them and Mabel noticed me staring, and spoke up. "Hey dip 'n dots! Good morning!" She smiled cheerfully. 'why is she so happy?, isn't the end of the world suppose to be here or something'

"U-uh Good morning..." I muttered, Stan peeked from his newspaper looking directly at me. "Something wrong kid? Look like you saw a ghost or something..." I looked at them worriedly

"Well isn't it the end of the world right now and you all are just being so calm..." I said sternly, Mabel laughed Stan raised an eyebrow and Ford pinched the bridge of his nose. 

"Dipper listen its not the end of the world or anything trust me, I think you've been hanging around the supernatural too long.." Stan said while going back to his news paper. Mabel then got up to put her bowl in the sink and grabbed her Mabel juice. "I'll be back guys!" She shouted while heading towards the door. 

Normal pov

"Wait where are you going?" Dipper asked, Mabel beamed at him and said, "I'm going to Candy's house her and Grenda are gonna try Mabel juice!" He cheered as she ran out the door. Ford zipped up a small backpack and headed for the door as well. 

"Great Uncle Ford your leaving too?" Dipper questioned, Ford nodded "There's a Pixie migration today and I don't wanna miss it...I would invite you to come along but I think I agree with Stanley for once I think you've been around the supernatural a little too much...." Ford explained as he left too. Dipper looked back at Stan. 

"What are you doing today Grunckle Stan?" Dipper asked as he turned towards Stan. Stan shrugged, "Probably something Illegal.." He said while not looking up from his newspaper. 

Dipper was confused, very confused...he had to find Bill. Dipper took the journal that had a way to summon Bill and Dipper walked way deep into the forest and summoned Bill. 

Bill appeared, just as everything stopped and turned grey. "Well, well, well my bride what makes you summon me?" Bill said while purring, in his triangle form. "BILL ENOUGH GAMES!!!" Dipper screamed and Bill froze at how his little Pine tree sounded. 

"Whats going on? No tricks!" Dipper demanded, Bill sighed floating down towards Dipper. "Okay fine so the whole time you were sleeping, but I can assure you this is the real world I promise.." Dipper glared at him. "Okay so what happened was...Well it all started a couple weeks ago..." 


"Hey shooting Star!" Bill said happily. Mabel screamed and tried to him with a frying pan, until he made her freeze. 

"Look I think I may be in love with Pine tree, and I need advice okay?" He said unfreezing Mabel, then she put the frying pan down and smiled at him. 

"Well first how about you go into his dreams and what not and see what he thinks about you before we get any farther..."  He blinked, "Are you really okay with me totally invading your brother's dreams he asked. She smiled, "If its for the power of love all bets are off!!" She cheered. Everything was going well until will got invloed...

Bill pov

After I pushed him out of Pine Tree's dreams I confronted him, "Will?! what the hell?!" I screamed at him. 

"S-sorry B-bill I just..." He muttered, I grew more irritated. 

"You had one job job..." I said trying to stay calm. I heard him gulp, "What will happen now?" He asked nervously. I sighed, "Now Everything he dreams up now is over his own, and I will have nothing to do with it." I smirked though just realizing something. "Now that he is knocked out for a good few hours I guess I'll just make myself busy.." I said as I went inside Dipper's body (Pun intended! xD)

I went around and tried to do normal human stuff. I ate a bag of my own people (Doritos) and I wanted to see what would happen if I tried to put my arm in a blender. Mabel kept pulling me away though..."No Bill stop!" I pout, "Its not my fault the blender complies me.." 

Mabel shook her head, I grabbed more Tiny me's and ate them. I giggled "Cannibalism!" I took a few more bites, "Man do I really taste this good?" I wondered. I felt Pine Tree's mind waking up, I then carried the body up back to his bed and laid him down as I got out of his body and touched his cheek softly. 

"See you soon My bride.." 

Then I left...

~End of Flashback~

Normal pov 

"Wait so you did what with my body?" Dipper asked raising an eyebrow. "Hey I was having fun! Plus can't really conjure up my own body, so I have to control someone but whatever you experienced after Will left was not me I promise..."

Dipper looked at him for a second.. "Wait so what happened to Will anyway?" 

"He's in the time out chair right now, but don't worry I'll get him out soon, probably...." 

Dipper sighed, "Your a real jerk you know that right?" 

Bill laughed, "Yeah but Im your jerk!" He said wrapping his arms around Dipper's waist.

A/n: Hello everyone!~ Sorry I havn't been updating I've been sick so that's why also thank you for the 4k Views!!! You all are wonderful! anyway I wanted to make this stupid but happy at the same time so I hoped you enjoyed!~ Bye bye!~

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