Part 6

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Dipper's pov

'Oh man we're here..Gravity falls.' I thought to myself. The town still looked kind of like a mess but you know its only been 2 months. I see the towns people are pretending like the event never happened and continued to live their daily lives. We continued to walk until we got to a very familiar looking shack. 

"The mystery   Shack..." I whispered, Bill blinked and sighed. It pretty much looked the same as before I left, me and bill reached closer and closer to the door and I got more and more nervous. 

I gulped as Bill knocked on the door, I felt my heart in my throat as the door opened.....It was Mabel she looked better, better than I thought she would.

"Dipping sauce!" She shouted as she tackled me, she hugged me and I hugged her back "H-hi Mabel.." I said softly. Then Gruckle Stan came to the door and as soon as he saw me he was shocked.

"D-dipper?!" He blinked a few times before picking me up and hugging me. I hugged him back, "I missed ya kiddo." He whispered. My eyes started to water up, "I missed you too." I whispered back. 

I then looked up at Bill and I saw a small smile on his human face, but why is he so happy? I wondered. Stan and Mabel let me in the house not noticing Bill. We talked for a few minutes about how we were and stuff. 

"We've really missed you Dipper." Gruckle Stan said, Mabel walked out of the living to go into the kitchen to get more Mabel juice. Stan sighed, "Ford has been in the basement ever since you've left, he has been a mess trying to get you back, he really cares about you and your sister Dipper a lot and so do I."

I looked down at my feet, "So why did you come here anyway?" Stan asked. Then I felt an arm wrap around my waist I looked up and it was Bill, but this time he was in his demon form. "We came to invite you all to our wedding!" Bill practically shouted. Then Mabel came back and as soon as she saw bill her juice hit the floor. 

"Get away from Dip 'n Dots! you Dorito!"Mabel shouted, then a thump was  heard from below and then within seconds Ford was blocking the entrance , He glared at Bill. 

"Get away from him Bill! Now! Ford yelled. Bill only chuckled, as he picked up Dipper bridal style " No can do Sixer me and pine tree here had a deal!" He shouted back. 

Ford then tried to jump to grab Dipper but then Bill snapped his fingers and said, "Tha's it visits over!" and just like that they vanished.....

A/n: Hello another update and Happy Halloween!~ I have like no plans XD all my friends are busy and its my turn to pass out candy this year so I'm gonna be in my sweats watching anime with a  bucket of candy! XD lol what are you all doing for Halloween this year? anyway I hope you enjoyed!~

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