Part 5

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A/n: hello fans of Billdip! I watched the new episode and was blown away! Also I started doing a daily either Billdip or Gravity Falls joke may contain spoilers to the new ep. But if your bored you should check it out and maybe reply so I don't look like I'm talking to myself XD haha anyway on with the story my peeps!~ 

Bills pov

I wandered around the house I built for myself and my bride, the king sized bed was suppose to be tested on our honeymoon *wink wink* Anyway your probably wondered how it felt to totally murder a few people in horrible ways.

It felt great actually! Its not my fault they took my beloved from me, if anything I was going esay on them their fault for hurting my pine tree. Then my mind wandered off into Pine tree land....

'Oh my sweet sweet pine tree, I can't wait until we're married and have babies and WAIT WAIT!!! stop it cipher stop it snap out of it get your head out of Dipper wonderland! Just because hes slightly...Very attractive doesn't mean your in "Love" or anything!'

'I'm sure Pine tree will end the deal soon anyhow..' Bill thought sadly to himself

~Time Skip~

  Its was almost 2 months since Bill and Dipper had made the deal, they had been getting along pretty well and had become CLOSE friends. Bill and Dipper were sitting on the couch watching something on Sci-Fi. Dipper had his head on Bill's chest and bill had his arms around Dipper's waist. 

"Hey Bill?" Dipper asked looking up at the dream demon. "Yes my pine tree bride?" Bill said looking down at him. 

"Shouldn't we start planning our wedding, I-i mean its almost 4 months away." Dipped explained. "Well how do you plan  a  wedding?" bill asked.

"U-um,  we will need a place to hold the ceremony, rings, who's gonna be our best man, and decide who's the bride and who's the gr-" Dipper was cut off by bill. " For one we can have the wedding here, since I can't go into a church.Second you gonna have bridesmaids and I already have the rings, and your the bride of course!" Bill smiled. 

"Well who's gonna marry us? I mean we can't get a priest for it or anything." Dipper said questionably, Bill thought for a moment then said, "Maybe Ol' sixer can, He is pretty smart for a human so he probably knows what to do." Dipper bit his lip. 

"Shouldn't we you know....ask him first before we just assume he'll do it?" Dipper said, while looking down. "Yeah your right, plus it gives us a chance to hand out wedding invites!: Bill said cheerfully as he stood up. "B-but wait how would we get-!" Dipper was cut of again as Bill magically got wedding invitations by snapping his fingers. 

"Now come on my pine tree bride lets hand out invites!" Bill said as he grabbed Dipper's hand and led him out the door. Dipper gulped its been almost 2 months since he saw Ford, Mabel, or even Stan. And he was scared to face them, because he was taken by a dream demon and made a deal to become his bride and now he has to face his family and ask his own Great Uncle to marry him and said Dream demon!.....Dipper sighed as the reached Gravity Falls, 'I wonder how things will work out.' Dipper thought. 

Then suddenly back in the town in Gravity Falls....

A/n: Hello! next chappie Mabel's back YAY!! also when I said 'CLOSE friends' I meant they cuddle and the occasional kiss, don't worry my fellow Billdip shippers! I will get your lemony goodness! Anyway Feel free to review and I hope you enjoyed!~ bye bye!

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