Part 8

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A/n: Hello fellow Billdip shippers! I haven't been to post because homework has been killing me -_-' Not to mention I have project due and my friend is going through a breakup and I'm trying to be a 'supportive friend' and what not anyway I know you all don't care about what I've been up to so lets get to the juicy stuff!

Normal pov 

It had been a couple of weeks since both Dipper and Bill confessed their love for each other. Dipper was eating breakfast, when Bill came up next to him, "Hey sweetie~" Bill purred. Dipper blushed.

"H-hi Bill.." Dipper stuttered. Bill then picked up Dipper, sat down in his chair and put Dipper in his lap. Bill has been staying near dipper, never really letting me out of sight. Bill then wrapped his arms around Dipper's waist, Dipper blushed even more. 

"Dipper,guess what?" Bill said sweetly, Dipper looked up at him and tilted his head. "We're going on a date tonight!"Bill shouted happily.

"A-a date?," Dipper said, Bill picked Dipper bridal style and they walked out to the living room. Bill placed Dipper on the couch, he sat beside him. Bill began to stroke his cheek gently, and Dipper has already become red as a tomato. 

"Your so adorable." Bill said as dipper looked down shyly. "so beautiful,my little pine tree." he said softly as he grabbed Dipper's chin up to look at him. They both stared into each others eyes and staring to lean in to kiss one another.

When their lips were a centimeter apart, they was a harsh knock at the door. Bill became frustrated, then looked at his my pine tree bride. The knock became louder and louder, so Bill picked up Dipper and they teleported to the bedroom and Bill placed dipper on the bed. 

"Stay right my angel, I'll be right back." Bill said as he teleported and answered the door.

Dipper pov 

I wonder whose at the door, I slowly get off the bed and my curiosity got the best of me and I could barely see what was happening, but I could hear it very well. It looked a women was in the doorway, a very pretty woman. I bit in my lip in fear, then after a few moments of whispering It looked like I saw the lady stroke his cheek lovingly and I think Bill smiled. 

Then I heard something that completely broke my heart, "I love you Bill" "and I love you...." 

 Without thinking, I started sobbing then I saw a window and I opened it and since it was a two story house, I grabbed onto a branch close by and climbed down from there. I started to run to the only other place I thought of as home....The Mystery shack....

Bills pov

My sister was at the door thankfully, she came to give me a surprise for my little Dipper! I was so excited to see my little pine tree bride so I teleported by the bedroom and knocked quietly, "Honey, I have a surprise for you!" I said cheerfully. I heard no answer, so I tried again. 

"Angel cakes this isn't funny, open the door please." after a few moments of silence, I lost it. 

"DIPPER OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW!!" Nothing, I toke a couple deep breathes, "My pine tree bride please, open the door I'm getting worried." Nothing again...

so without warning, I kick down the door "Dipper!-" Then I saw an opened window and I felt like my meat sack heart was breaking. I put my head down and decide to go get an explanation, at the one place he's probably at right now. The Mystery Shack....

Dippers pov 

I was sitting on my old bed and Mabel was sitting next to me, rubbing my back while I was sobbing. Grunckle Stan was next to me holding a tissue box and Ford was patting me on the head, Then there was knock at the door. 

We're closed!" Gruckle Stan yelled just then we heard a loud crash and Ford and Stan went downstairs to see what was wrong and me and Mabel stayed at the top of the stairs watching....It was bill? what does he want? 

"Where is he?!" Bill screamed as he glared at my great uncles. "That's none of your concern Bill." Ford said sternly. Bill then picked up Ford and turned into his demon form and turned red. 

"IF YOU DON'T TELL ME WH-!" I cut him off as I raced down stairs and shouted "Bill! Please stop!" Bill then looked at then dropped Ford without glancing at him and walked over to me. "Dipper why did you run away from me?" He said while still red and angry 

"Well what was with that girl you were with earlier?!" I shouted at him with tears in my eyes. Bill suddenly turned back into his normal shade of yellow and said "What?" 

Normal pov

"The girl that came to the door she was pretty and you told her you loved her! t-that's why...." Dipper said quietly. 

Bill then smiled at him, " That was my sister my little pine tree.." Dipper looked up at him and sniffed. "S-sister?" Bill nodded, "She gave me a surprise I was gonna give to you at our date tonight..." Bill explained, "But since all of this happened I think I should give this to you now." Bill turned back into his human form and got down on one knee. 

"Dipper pines I know that since we met you weren't fond of me, but I've always liked you and I watched you from afar when I was demon I thought nothing in this universe could make me happy except taking over the world, but I found one more thing that made me even happier...You. Without you in this world I would be taking over the world without a second thought.  You are my angel, I have never wanna do anything bad to you, or have anyone hurt you. If had an actual heart, it would always beat for you and I always wanna protect you and love you no matter what so Dipper pines....." 

Bill pulls out a box and opens it its a ring with a silver triangle in the middle and a sliver band. 

"Will you marry me?" 

Dipper cried and said "Yes, yes yes!!" and hugged him. Bill then put the ring on him "why are you asking me anyway, aren't we already getting married anyway?" Dipper sniffed.

"I wanted to do the human way for you, you are my everything so I want to make everything perfect for you." Bill said as he kissed Dipper's forehead, Dipper then leaned in and kissed bill on the lips. he wrapped his arms around his neck and bill wrapped his arms around Dipper's waist.

Mabel the came down the stairs and saw them kissing, "I SHIP IT I SHIP IT I SHIP IT SHIP IT!!!!!!!!" She shouted happily...

A/n: woah this was pretty long XD anyway I wanted mabel to be supportive and not mean, I like fangirl Mabel so yeah :3 Feel free to review and what not I hope you enjoyed!~ Bye bye~

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