Part 13

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A/n: Hello fans please don't kill me yet because its double update day! Okay I made it up but still....anyway enjoy!~

Meanwhile with Bill~

 I went out of the bubble, strange....Look I what I meant about my darling Pine tree is true I do love him very much, I couldn't give up centuries of hard work. But after spending some time with my dear pine I realize maybe I should give it all up for real.....I started thinking about my little Dipper...his cute birthmark, his adorable eyes, his soft lips......Then I heard glass break and snapped out of my trance. 

A few moments later Keyhole opened my door shaking like a leaf. "What is it Keyholle3lele? what did you guys break now?" I asked knowing that they have been partying pretty hard lately. 

"U-um well i-its the boy s-sir, D-dipper.." He stuttered. At the sound of my love's name I snapped. I turned red and growled. "What about him?" He shook even more..."T-the pines family, T-they took him they took Dipper!" I lost it..... 

"WHAT?!" I screamed so loud I swore the ground shook. "FIND HIM!! NOW!!!" I hissed as I slammed the door in Keyhole's face. I looked out my Triangle shaped window, 'Oh my pine tree...I'll have some explaining to do now...' 

~With Dipper~

Dipper pov

I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, without running into anything or anyone I looked up and saw a floating triangle castle of some sort. Just then some floating eyeball things carried me up there. I landed down kind harsh. I looked around and saw monsters partying and walked slowly towards them. 

Just then I heard more screaming, "EVERYONE STOP!!!!" i felt the ground shake, it shook so hard that I fell on my butt. Then I realized it was Bill. "Look we need to find him before he wakes or something ad wi-!" I cut him off as I see him sit in his throne. "Bill!" I shouted and everyone turned and looked at me. 

"Hey honey!" Bill said nervously. I glared at him, "Bill you lied to me!" Bill then floated down next to me. "I know I know I can explain, at first I didn't wanna give up all my hard work so I placed you in there thinking that I had stopped the end of the world but in reality I didn't but Dipper our love in that bubble was not fake! I still love you very much..." then Bill held up my hand with the ring on it. 

"Dipper if we kiss right now we'll be married, and we can live happily ever after. Dipper I'm done being the monster in your closet now I wanna be your prince charming please let me be your prince" Bill said sweetly as turned into his human form, without thinking I wrapped my arms around him and had tears in my eyes. 

Our lips were about a cm apart when Stan came and the others came, "Dipper stop!" Stan shouted I then looked over at him, and Bill growled. "Dipper is what you want?! to be married to Cipher and destroy peoples lives forever!"

"Come on Dip come with us!" Mabel pleaded, "Come on Dipper leave this creep!" Wendy shouted. I glared at them, how dare they talk about Cipher that way. 

"Stop it! All of you! I love bill okay? I'd give up anything for him and I know he'd do the same for me." I said as I stared lovingly into his eyes. Bill smiled at me and touched my cheek, "Exactly my beloved." 

"Bill why don't you tell Dipper what you did!" Stan yelled, the Bill froze....I put my hands on his chest, "Bill sweetie what's wrong?" I asked....."I-i trapped Ford, He's now gold..." He said as pointed over to his throne and saw Ford was a gold statue. 

"Look closer I made all the townspeople to make my throne..." He said as he looked down. I grabbed both of cheeks and made him look at me. "Bill you are better than this I know you are! You didn't have to tell me those things and you could've done something worse like brainwash me into being your queen but you didn't Bill even you have a good side Bill...."

He stared at me with wide eye and I think everyone else did too, but at this point I didn't care so I wrapped my arms around his neck again and kissed him right in front of everybody...

A/n: Hello guys! well I hope this was better also some sad news to bring you all as well, sadly I have decided to end this, There will only be one or two more chapters left but I might make a sequel who knows also gives me a chance to work Cipher's Kingdom anyway I hope you enjoyed!~ Bye bye!~ also I'm having an ask the Author so feel free to ask me questions, and what not anyway THANK YOU FOR THE 3k READS AND over 200 votes!!!!!

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