Chapter Three- Truths, And The Errors Within.

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Waking up is one of the easiest things to do when you only get three hours of sleep every single day. I’m always tired, I live off energy drings, heck I wouldn’t be surprised if I had heart problems by now with the amount of shit that I put into my body; my father would die if he realized how unhealthy I actually am. I may be a 6’4 lanky dude but I still eat a lot of junk considering the fact that my father is a health Nazi. I dress my self half-assed and remember that I have to make an attempt to look at least approachable and throw a hoodie over my tattooed arms. I look over the papers that my father gave me yesterday and practice my name; John Hennly, such a foreign name on my tongue but I guess it’s all right. I realized that I’m attending the same school as ginger boy and I told him my actual name; I check out my window and see that he’s making his way to the school, which is a long walk if you ask me. I sprint down the stairs and almost knock into my father who hands me a fifty for the week; his way of telling me that he needs a new victim urgently, the type obviously not concerning him and I make a mental note to keep an eye out for someone. I grab my keys from the kitchen counter and get into my shitty car, maybe I’ll give Alan a ride since we’re going to the same school and all- I’m not creepy or anything, I just want to look at him and talk to him a bit before we enter the hell hole that is school. I drive up to him and he flashes me one of his smiles that literally has me weak in the knees, it’s a good thing I’m in a sitting position.

“You need a ride?” I ask him coolly and he hesitates for a moment.

“You sure you want to be seen with me? They shun you in an instant if you hang with a loser like me.” He states simply.

“Trust me, even a loser like you won’t be able to keep the people from me; I am a people person after all. Now get in, I’m wastin’ gas.” I say playfully.

He gets in my car and I just look at him, he’s so small and thin but in a pretty way. Everything about him is so pretty that I want to touch him but I can’t do that; I can’t get close, I have to kill him. I’ll touch him when he’s dead.

“can I see your schedule?” he asks literally out of nowhere and I point to the papers I have thrown in the back seat. He reaches over and I get a glimpse of his waist and his pretty skin. I swear, Alan’s hipbones will be the death of me. He sits back in his seat and I turn before he can see my face turning a bright pink from his attractiveness. What the fuck? I’m supposed to kill him, not think these things about him! I’m going to kill him, there’s no way around this- he has to die; I have to kill him. He speaks up and my heart almost stops.

“You said your name was Austin but on here it says your name is John.” Oh shit, I’ve been caught, quick Austin, think. What could you possibly say to get yourself out of this one?

“I had my name changed recently so when I told you that my name was Austin it was because I was getting used to the idea of my name being John, sorry if I confused you; but if you really want you can call me Austin.” I say quickly, well that was better than nothing I guess. He looks at me for a moment and then he nods his head.

“It’s okay, you don’t have to tell me the real reason but when you do trust me enough maybe you can tell me about yourself.” How does he know that im lying?

“What makes you think that that isn’t the truth?” I ask out of curiosity and he shrugs “I just do.” And with that I knew that I wouldn’t be able to do this. I wouldn’t be able to kill this boy, even if I really wanted to; which I don’t know if I do anymore.

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