Chapter Seven- My Prisoner, My Love

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I awoke to the sound of the door trying to be forcefully opened; wait what time is it? I check the alarm clock on my bedside table being completely shocked by the time- six am; I slept for six hours. I walked towards the door and growled for my father to stop trying to steal my prisoner. From the corner of my eye I saw him stir from his slumber and I remembered that I needed to sort all this out. I dragged Alan out of bed; he whimpered at my forcefulness as I threw a hoodie and some basketball shorts in his direction for him to change into. I dressed myself and moved the cabinet from my door and walked out gripping Alan’s wrist and dragging him out and down the stairs.

“So you’re just going to let him go? He is going to tell someone and then we will be ruined.” He exclaimed infuriated at my rash decisions.

“I’m not letting him go; he’s my prisoner and he will do as I say. I can trust him to not tell anyone about our little secret right baby?” I asked to which he turned away from me and looked to the floor. My father was still unsure but he shrugged handing me a hundred dollar bill before turning back.

“She’s dead so I expect to have another one soon, and if your little prisoner opens his mouth I’ll blame the whole thing on you Austin, you have motive.”


We're in the backseat of my car, He's under me; legs wrapped around my waist. We're looking into each other and i am the happiest i've been my whole life. he has unshed tears in his eyes and my heart flutters.

“What's wrong?”

“It is so fucking unfair that it has to be this way.” I know, believe me I know, if I could I would have never involved you in this but my feelings for you grow each day. I am slowly falling in love with him; maybe it is because he knows about my secret or maybe it’s because he isn’t afraid; all I know is I need him, I need him so damn much. Our fingers are intertwined and I'm singing him a song that I learned a while ago while i was looking through the lists of bands he gave me. I'm so afraid; something that hasn't happened in so long but it seems that this boy underneath me has awaken the feelings that were hidden inside me; feelings i thought I wasn't capable of feeling.

"After today I’m going to have to do things to you... that will break you; it will fuck with your head and it will take away everything you knew, unless- you leave me; don't talk to me or associate yourself with me. I'll keep you safe until I have to leave again. You'll be safe!" If things were different I could leave with him and never turn back but I knew that I shouldn’t, before me he was pure and I stole that from him; I can’t steal his life too.

"I love you." This simple phrase made my heart flutter because I feel the same way but it also broke my heart; now we're stuck together. Who am I kidding? I've always been connected to this boy. Why else haven't I killed him yet?

"Soon you're going to take back those words; I'm going to hurt you so bad babe." I didn't say this as a threat because I would never hurt him for no reason; I'm saying it because its true- I will hurt him to protect him. I will torture him because I love him and I need him.

I couldn't keep the tears in and he pulled me down to him instinctively letting me have this moment of weakness.

"If you ever leave me, I'll hurt even worse. I need you, Austin, I love you so much." He whispers to me only making me hold on tighter.

"When I hurt you; remember its because I love you."

"I want you to make love to me." He blurts out.

"I can't; not now- not like this."

"Then when?"

"When all of this is over and you can still tell me you love me after everything." I say completely unsure of the decisions I am making.

"I'll love you no matter what."


Alan is on all fours completely naked next to my chair in the dining room, my father looks on in astonishment.

"I never thought you had it in you, a slave? Of all things? How exciting." He says as he takes a bite out of his food; he's eyeing Alan in a disgusting way so I tell him to stay under my chair.

"He's very pretty, your prisoner. Would you let me examine him when you're done with him?" He says licking his lips In an odd manner.

"I'm going to keep him for a while but if I don't want him later I'll give him to you." I say finishing off my diner. "If you'll excuse me I'd like to have a little fun with my little kitten." It hurts me to do this but I have to. I pull Alan by his hair and force him on his feet. We walk to my room in silence and I know he'll want out but there is another reason I'm doing this. We are in my room and I'm pushing him against the wall kissing him with everything I've got, he's kissing back just as hard.

"Well that wasn't so bad."

"Shhhh, It isn't over yet." I say throwing him onto the bed. He lands with a bounce and he looks at me with confusion written all over his pretty face. I start to take of my belt and his eyes open wide.

"No no no no please no." He starts to cry and I feel bad for this but I need a realistic reaction. I pull my pants down and I'm in my boxers, I walk towards him and he's shaking his head pleading with his eyes to not do this. I'm inches from his face and he is trapped in the corner.

"Please.." He whimpers.

"Just make it sound believable."

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