The New Girl

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Ugh. The first day of school at a new school. I know no one, how great. "Katniss get up! It's the first day don't want to be late!" My mother yells from the living room.

I get dressed in a pair of cut of jean shorts and a loose fitting tee, I put on some mascara but, just a few swipes of it. I braided my hair like I always do and slipped on red high top converses.

I walk down the stairs only to be tackled by Prim.

"Hey Primmy! Careful don't want to hurt me on my first day of school." I say as I ruffle her hair.

"Katniss you need to leave NOW!" My mother yells.

"Bye Prim!" I called before running out the front door.

I walk to school and ask someone were the office was. She said her name was Madge Undersee the Mayors daughter. I like her.

"Are you really wearing that?"

"Umm yes do you have a problem with that?"

She quickly shook her head

We walk to into school together. I get stares from a group of guys that are smiling at me. Madge starts to pull me toward them. I try to walk away but she is so damn strong. Once she releases me I say "Damn Madge what are you on?!" I rub my wrist.

"Nothing I swear!!! Well Katniss this is Cato, Marvel, Finnck, Haymitch, and Peeta!"

"Hey." I rub my arm awkwardly.

Madge finally speaks up, "Ohh now you must meet the girls!!" Next thing I know I'm running down the halls as Madge pulls me along. Once we get there Madge is huffing and puffing.

"Katniss this is Glimmer, Clove, Annie, and Johanna. Guys she is new here. Then they start to ramble on and on about clothes. Then all of a sudden Clove and Annie look at each other and scream.

"You need a boyfriend!" Clove and Annie both scream in usion. "No I don't what one. I just got here anyways." They laugh and roll there eyes.

"So." I say trying to fill the awkward silence. Then the warning bell rings to warn us for 1st period.

Me and Madge head toward English to find Ms. Mags napping on her desk. I sigh I sit at a table that just happens to have the guys and the girls.

"Soooo I guess we have the same English class now someone tell me why is the English teacher sleeping and not teaching?" I point to her. The cute blonde who I think is Peeta replies simply "This is when she naps so we don't have English class at all unless Delly and her cheer-leading squad wake her up." Johanna snorts and says "or Delly and her pack of sluts." She laughs louder this time getting everyone's attention.

Delly looks up and walks over to us. "Ohh Peeta, wanna skip class with me to have some fun?" Delly purrs as she strokes his arm. "No thank you Delly." Peeta says as politely as he can but failing miserably. She huffs and stalks away.

The bell rings and the rest off the morning goes by a blur.

I didn't think lunch would come any sooner but, when it did I was jumping for joy. As I walked in the cafeteria, I couldn't really spot anyone so i just sat by my self. As soon as I sat my tray down the whole group ran in through the doors obviously looking for me. Once they spotted me, they all walked over. We all chatted a bit with them asking me questions about my home district. Then Peeta whispered something to Cato. Cato nodded. He stood up and the said to me "Katniss can you come with me to the hall way for a minute?" I nodded.

When we got out of ear shot range he blurted out something quite shocking.

" I know we just meant and all but Katniss would you do the amazing honour of going out with me?"


The little cliff hanger. Sorry short chapter they will get longer! I promise! To all my fellow readers keep reading and read my other books!!!!







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