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Dead. My little sister is dead. I scream then start to cry. My mom comes up to see what's wrong. Then she see's me kneeling in front of Prim. My mom lets out a small gasp. I turn around to find my own mother crying.


I'm playing music in my room with Cato when I hear a scream. Then I hear crying from Katniss's house.

Cato and I run to her house to see wants wrong. I ring the doorbell. Katniss happens to answer it. Her eyes are red and puffy and her mascara smeared. "Katniss, what's wrong I heard screaming?" I ask her. "Pr-P-Prim she's dead." She starts crying again. I just stand there shock thinking I would never hear words like that.

Cato says "Do want us to call Peeta?" He cocks his head to the side. "No I will call him bye guys." With that she closes the door. Me and Cato go back to my house to tell everyone what we just heard.


I shut the door and sink down to the ground. Both of the people I love more then anything are dead not able to live a nature life and die of old age. Prim was only 11! When I find who killed her I will kill them! I call the police and the tell us to stay somewhere else because they need to search the house.

I call Madge and ask if I can come over for a couple of nights. This the phone call.


M: hey Katniss

K:hey um... can I come over for couple days or how ever long they take?



M:duh! Of course you can! Tonight I was going to have a sleep over I was just about to call! Come on over!

K:thanks I'll be there in a few.


I hang up and turn on the car. I drive to Madge's house. When I get there her house is bigger then mine. I ring the doorbell and Madge opens the door I walk in in amazement. She shows me the guest bedroom. I set my stuff down and we wait for everyone else.

"Ok Katniss you look like you've been! crying tell me what happened." Madge asks with a stern look on her face. I sigh and tell her everything when I finish I am bawling. Just then the doorbell rings and the entire Victors group come pouring in the living room. They see me and look clearly confused. Wait Peeta's here! I scramble out of the living and to the bathroom still bawling my eyes out.

I hear Madge tell what I told her. I hear someone come up stairs and knock on the door. "Katniss, it's Peeta you want to come out?" I sniffle and open the door. I hug Peeta tight an cry into his shirt. I stop crying and see I go his shirt wet. We go back down stairs and play truth or dare. Great.


I walk up to Madge's house with everyone else. Finnick and Cato have been weirdly quiet. We race into her living room to see Katniss crying on her couch crying into her knees. She looks up to see all of us stand there she has a sad face the a scared expression. She gets off the couch and runs for the bathroom.

We all look at Madge. "Madge what the heck was that?!" I ask very concerned. "Well here's the story she told me." Madge looks at all of us. "Well," she begins.


We all sit there to stunned to move. I get up and walk to where Katniss has been hiding. I knock on the door and say "Katniss, it's Peeta you want to come out?" I hear her sniffle and then the door opens. She hugs me and starts to cry again. 10 minutes later she stops and we walk back down stairs in time to see they have started truth or dare. So we join in.


We sit down and I snuggle close to Peeta. He puts his arm around me and I feel truly home.

Finnick starts and it lands on me. Great.

"Truth or dare?" I have to think about then I get it.

"Dare." He thinks then snaps his fingers and smirks. I get nervous and my hands get clammy.

"I dare you to," he grins "kiss Peeta." I roll my eyes and say "Easy." I kiss Peeta.

I feel sparks fly and fireworks going off, I forget everything in the world but Peeta.

We break away and all eyes are on us. I spin the bottle and it lands on Peeta. I think for a minute.

Ummm... got it! "I dare you to," I say as my grin grows bigger, "run naked down the street." He gives me a shocked look.

Then he goes up stairs and changes and comes back with a towel around his private.

We shoo him outside and we see the towel fall and he runs. We are laughing our asses of when he comes back with the towel on he is blushing red. He gives me a look that says 'Later.' I nod he changes back and we start a movie we don't know which Finnick chose.

"Hey Fin-" then a guy in a mask starts to kill people and she screams. A person got decapated by a chainsaw. I scream with Johanna.

You know it's a scary movie when Johanna Mason screams. I throw a pillow at Finnick who dramatically sprawls across the floor with a big UFF. I roll my eyes at him.

We watch the movie screaming. By the end the girls aren't in the room. They could hear the boys screaming from the living room.

We go back down to the living room and video tape it. We record Finnick practically into Cato's arms. And at one part he kills a guy by eating his heart they all scream at that.

I get an idea forming in my head. I take the camera and all the girls go up behind them. The movie ends and the they all jump on someone. They scream at the top of there lungs and we just laugh at them.

"Hey guys," I call over to them and there heads turn, "say hi to the camera!" They have a panicked look on there faces. Cato lunges for the phone but I have my thumb hovering the send bar to send it to the entire school. "I don't think u want to do that."

I didn't notice Peeta was missing until it was to late. Peeta picks me up from behind and carries me off to the other room. The guest bedroom. He tosses me on the bed and takes the video camera and deletes the video.

He then jumps on the bad and tickles me. I laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh. Until my stomach hurt.

We go back to the living room and lay out the sleeping bags. We all then imeatitly go to sleep. I snuggle close to Peeta and let the darkness over come me.




Sorry for not updating for so long just so you know IM NOT DEAD!!!!I hope u guys are still reading this if u could comment so I know that your still reading because I don't really know soooo my very very famous saying!







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