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Ian's Pov

I happily opened the door to me and my boyfriends house. I just came back from a quick business trip and I was excited to finally see Anthony.

I dropped my bags by the door and went towards stairs. I started walking up and I heard a few moans. Was Anthony jerking off? I slowly walked to the door and was a little scared to open it. I heard a few more of the same moans and my heart quickened a bit.

I opened the door and gasped at the first thing I saw. Anthony and some slutty chick were hungrily making out on the bed almost naked. I screamed and both of their heads looked up to me. The girl quickly grabbed her shirt and ran out the door.

"I came back early to surprise you and this is what I see! Were fucking done you cheater!" I was about to leave until I felt Anthony grab my arm. "Please don't leave babe please! That girl didn't mean anything to me, I fucking promise!"

I tried to let go but I was pulled into a hug. I sighed and rubbed my head. "I don't know..." I didn't completely believe him but it would hurt a lot if we broke up. "Please babe. I love you so much." He kissed my head and hugged me tighter while I just stood there.

"Ok fine. But please don't do this again..." He smiled and kissed the top of my head again. I hugged back and smiled knowing that I can trust him.


It's been 4 months since the incident and everything seemed good so far. We hadn't had sex in a while since I didn't feel comfortable yet but Anthony understood.

Tonight me and Anthony were deciding to watch a movie and cuddle, so I bought some things. I bought a bottle of vodka, chocolates, and popcorn. I swung the bag back and forth in my hand while I opened up the door.

I hummed a little tune while I hung up my jacket of the coat rack. "Anthony! I'm home!" I didn't hear him answer but his car was outside so I knew he was here. I walked around to the living room and saw that the lights were dimmed.

I walked in and jumped a little to see what I didn't want to see. He was making out with another person and they both seemed so into it. I quietly got the bottle from the bag and smashed it to the ground making the glass break.

Both of their heads jumped up and looked my way as tears streamed down my cheeks. The guy Anthony was kissing ran the hell out of the house. I was about to leave the room until I was pulled back. It felt like the same scenario that happened 4 months ago.

"Babe, please don't go. Please." I sighed and tears just kept pouring down. "I love you so much Anthony but you lied. You said you wouldn't do this again." I tried my best to avoid eye contact by looking at the ground.

"Ian I love you so much please." Anthony begged and tried to hug me. "I love you too but I think we need to break up. I can't deal with this anymore." I saw him slowly nod while tears slowly fell down his cheeks.

I packed my stuff in a bag and quickly left the house. I knew that I needed a fresh start from everything that happened. Right now I just needed some alone time.


It's been only a week since the break up, and I've been feeling terrible. I hadn't been outside yet and I knew I needed some fresh air. I wore my jacket and headed out the house towards a park. I watched around and just thought about different things as I walked.

I was about to head back home until something, or shall I say someone caught my eye. From a distance, I could see Anthony kissing some guy under a tree. Was that his new boyfriend? Did he really move on that quick? Was he cheating on me with him this whole time?

So many questions filled my mind as I watched my ex boyfriend fall in love with someone else. It pained to see him and I just couldn't take it. My eyes kept watering and my vision started getting a but blurry as I walled home.

All I knew was that I should've never trusted Anthony Padilla. All he was, was a player.

(I had no time to check this over so sorry if there are any spelling errors✖️✖️)

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