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Ian's Pov

The year is 1870. I currently live in a farm in America. Life is pretty great and everything seems fine expect for war. Everyday we have war with other countries for more land but they never seem to come at peace.

As usual I was just cleaning out the barn while humming a tune I heard some people play a while ago. It was so peaceful and quiet until I heard a loud crash from far away. I jumped a little at the noise and ran behind a tree. I've never heard anything like this before.

I looked into the sky and saw big grey puffs of smoke forming up. It had to be a bomb or grenade. I wanted to panic but that wouldn't do anything. I stayed behind the tree for a while and heard people yelling and running. I decided to just close my eyes and wait for it to stop.

I heard another loud crash and woke up instantly. I looked around and saw nothing there. "Hello. Please don't hurt me..." I looked around more and something hit against me causing me to fall.

I looked up to see a soldier with wavy brown hair, chocolate brown hair, and he was wearing his uniform with a gun in his hands. "I'm so sorry for disturbing you but I had to escape." I wanted to say something but nothing would come out of my mouth.

"I'm Anthony." He put out his hand to help me up. I took it and got up from the ground. I'm Ian." He adjusted his rifle and smiled. "So Ian is it okay if I stay here for a little? It's too dangerous to go back..." I nodded immediately and brought him to my small cottage.

"You can stay in the extra bedroom if you'd like." We both smiled and he set his gun down on the bed. "Thank you so much." I closed the door and smiled. This soldier seems cuter and nice even though I just met him.
I woke up the next morning and remembered that Anthony was still here. I walked down stairs to find him pouring 2 glasses of milk. "Good morning Ian." I smiled and walked over to him. We both sat across from each other on the small table.

"I was wondering if you'd like to walk outside and we could get to know each other more." I set my milk down and looked up. "Ofcourse we can!" He smiled and we both went upstairs to get ready.

Me and Anthony walked through the forest and around the lakes. We talked about our favourite card games, interests, etc. He told me more information about the war and what was going on and everything.

Anthony seems like such a great guy and there's something about him that I really like. The way he laughs, smiles, and the look in his eyes while he's staring at the sun  right now. I smiled a little to myself thinking about how lucky I might be that I met Anthony.
It's been officially 3 weeks since 
Anthony started staying here. Everytime he wanted to go back to fight in the war, I wouldn't let him because I was too scared he might die.

It's like time passed by so fast and I'm starting to like him a lot. Right now we were just at the pond, talking and laughing as usual. "Hey Ian?" I turn my head to face Anthony. I nod a little for him to continue.

"I can't really hold it anymore and I know it's only been 3 weeks but, I think I might love you...." His voice said  calmly while trailing off a bit. I kept staring into Anthony's eyes and didn't know what to say. This was the first time anyone has ever said that to me before.

And without even thinking about it, I grabbed Anthony's face and kissed him. He seemed to kiss back really quick and it was like a spark touched us. I pulled away from the kiss and just looked into his eyes.

"I think I might love you too." Was the last thing I did before we kissed passionately again. It felt so magical and special. I've never felt this way before and it felt nice. My heart was pounding so fast and my stomach felt so fluttery.

We walked back to the cottage holding hands, and we were both blushing like crazy. This feeling felt great and I hope it lasted forever. And I think that this feeling was love.
It has been 2 weeks ever since Anthony and I confessed our love for each other. Everything was so amazing and great. It was like he was the missing puzzle piece in my life. And I just knew that I loved him.

I wiggled out of Anthony's arms and went downstairs. I cleaned around the kitchen and was currently washing the windows. I was at my last window when I felt a pairs of arms snake around my waist.

"Good morning Ian." I smiled and turned around. "Good morning." I kissed Anthony and put away my cleaning tools in the storage space. "I have to tell you something important today so meet me by the river." I nodded as he walked outside the door.

After I was done cleaning, I walked to the river and saw Anthony sitting down. "I'm here." He turned around and smiled. But his smiled quickly faded and he looked kinda sad. I sat down on a rock beside him and he held my hands in his.

He sighed and looked up at me. "This isn't easy for me to say but.... I'm leaving. I need to go back to war and my team really needs me right now. It's going to hurt so much leaving you but I need you to remember that I love you so much. I will always remember you and your beautiful smile, laugh, and everything. I love you so much."

After he was done I couldn't help but cry into his shoulder. He hugged me tightly and I heard him sniffling a bit too. What if he dies? I started to sob more and I just didn't want him to leave.

We went home that night and cuddled each other. We've only had sex one and both of us weren't in the mood for that right now. We felt like embracing each other in hugs and kisses all night. A few tears fell from my eyes every now and then. It was just too hard to let Anthony go.
Today was the day. The day Anthony would be leaving to go back into the dangerous and terrible war. I gave Anthony a long and passionate kiss before he got ready to leave. He was wearing his uniform and has all his stuff with him.

"I love you so much. I'm going to miss you a lot and I really don't want you to go." My eyes started to get watery again and I tried to ignore it. "I love you so much more Ian but my team needs me and I need to help them out. Next week I will send you a note to ensure you that I'm safe and alive. Hopefully that note will be sent."

We kissed one more time and I watched him as he walked out of the farm into the cruel side of the war. I waited until he was far away so I couldn't see him anymore. I walked back to the cottage and didn't cry because I knew I had to stay strong for Anthony.
I waited and waited and waited. I was waiting all week for Anthony to send his note. If he sent his letter to me, I would know that he's safe and that he could come back. But nothing came. I started to worry but probably thought that the letter was maybe lost or something.

I waited 1 more week and started to panic. Did Anthony really die? I was about to start sobbing until I found a letter infront of my door. My heart started racing at the thought of Anthony being alive.

The note read: Dear Ian Hecox, this note is to be informing you that your fellow friend/soulmate, Anthony Padilla, has been shot through the stomach. We tried to recover him but it was too late for him to come back. The last words he said were 'Ian I love you' before he had past. We are terribly sorry for your loss.

I immediately crumpled up the note and threw it on at a tree. I fell to the ground and started to sob so much that the tears in my eyes might have ran out. I wanted to freak and punch everything around me but I just kept crying.

Anthony was everything. His personality and happiness made my day and I don't know what I would be without him. He made me so happy and he was all I needed. I really loved him but I thought be would've survived and came back.

I cried more and more until I couldn't produce tears anymore. I walked up to the tree that we first met at and smiled a bit. "I love you Anthony. I always have and I always will."

I walked back to the cottage and thought one thing. I'm never falling in love again.

(Idk what this is but I hope you have a phantastic day🌚)

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