CH 1: Oh Shit

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Lucy Parker pov

I slam my hand down on my annoying alarm clock. 'Why did you even set the alarm?' Faith asks 'not a clue' I grumble in reply. I don't start my new job until tomorrow and I don't have anything else to do today. I groan as I roll over to check the time.

My clock reads 10:30. Well, I might as well get up then. I slowly roll over so half my body was partially off the bed then I slip off so my body hit the ground with an 'oof'. I crawl over to the tiny closet in my small apartment and start to get changed as I yawn and try to blink the sleep out of my eyes.

So I guess I'll take this time to introduce myself, my name is Lucy Parker. I have ocean blue eyes and waist-length, jet-black hair, I'm pretty short at 5'1, and if you point it out you may run the risk of being stabbed. I have been an orphan since I was ten when my parents died in a car crash, just normal things. I went to school and high school like every other normal eighteen-year-old girl.

I am now living in a small apartment by myself and am finally starting my new job as a waitress in a small café tomorrow. Did I forget anything? Oh yeah, did I forget to mention I'm an animal shapeshifter?

Yes, you heard me right, I'm a goddamn shapeshifter. I can shift into just about any animal you can think of. I have an inner fox called faith who is in my mind all the time; she's a part of me, kind of like a second conscience. It's kind of cool but the struggle of keeping it a secret pretty much sucks all of the fun out of it.

I get dressed into some worn blue jeans, a white t-shirt, a black hoodie with the words 'you can't handle this' in white writing and my trusty black high tops.

I check the time again. 10:45, hmmm what to do, what to do, oh I know! I'll just go out for breakfast... err a little late for breakfast... call it brunch then.

I walk a couple blocks to the nearest diner and as I walk in the sweet aroma of pancakes and other delicious cooked breakfasts fill my nose. I hear the small bell above the door chime and can't help but internally giggle about how cliche it is.

I sit down in one of the black leather booths and ponder over the menu. I end up ordering a medium stack of pancakes with whipped cream, maple syrup and a chocolate milkshake. I spend the few minutes it takes for my food to arrive people watching.

I stare out the window to my right and watch as a couple walk past, laughing and talking whilst gazing lovingly into each other's eyes. It's the kind of moment where you almost feel like you're intruding, so I avert my gaze and my eyes land on a girl on the opposite side of the street.

She sits alone at the bus stop, reading an ancient-looking book. She looks incredibly focused and whatever she's reading has clearly stolen all of her attention, as her blue eyes quickly flit across the pages. As a bus pulls up to the stop I can barely see her as she flips her short blonde hair out of her face and quickly scrambles to her feet. I watch as she hastily stuffs the book in her backpack before getting on the bus as the last few people get off.

I watch the bus drive off and only zone back into what's happening in the restaurant just in time for the waiter to walk over with my food. I smile and thank him before digging in. Mmm, that was delicious' Faith moans and I laugh at her in my mind.

Once I've finished I quickly go to the counter and pay before taking my leave. I begin a leisurely stroll in the direction of my apartment which ends in more of an exasperated sprint as it starts to rain. It wouldn't have been so bad if the other citizens travelling on foot hadn't all panicked and starting pushing and shoving in order to get to shelter.

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