CH 27: Too Many Miracles For One Day

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My entire body freezes as I take in the man before me. Dark almost brown hair now with flashes of grey, deep crows feet surround his clear ocean eyes from years of laughing and smiling too hard. That dark mole still sits just below his right eye, standing out against his blemish-free skin, now aged and sagging with barely noticeable wrinkles telling his otherwise well-hidden age.


"Hey, Blueberry."

I think I'm going to pass out. 

Xavier King pov

I freeze as the unexpected word leaves her lips seeming to paralyze every single one of my pack members. How? Did Lucy lie to us? A quick glance down at my petrified mate pushes that doubt from my mind, she's just as shocked and unsettled than the rest of us, probably more so. 

I shake off my shock as the man who claims to be my mate's father takes a step towards her. A deathly growl pushes from deep within me as I pull my spacey mate protectively to my chest.

" I couldn't care less who you claim to be, stay the fuck away from my mate!" I snarl, eyes glowing furiously.  

The man raises his hands in surrender a cocky smirk sliding onto his thin lips. My sudden movement seems to snap my packmates out of their trances as they immediately converge behind me, caging the girls tightly in the middle.

"Wait...Wait!" Lucy yells in clear distress, starting to struggle in my grip. 

"Shh, hh, you're ok, Luc. Calm down, I've got you." I soothe her running my free hand softly down her side. 

" No! I-I don't understand, how!? HOW!?" She trips over her words as she yells questions at her father. 

"You have nothing to worry about little blueberry, I'll explain everything. I'm sure you'll have a great laugh about it." A sadistic smile stretches his face unnaturally. 

"You died! I watched you die! What about mum, is she alive too?" Lucy pants, squirming in my arms with anxiety. 

"Mmm, I'm afraid not. You see that car crash was my doing, I'm a sorcerer, my dear, I needed a way to get rid of your mother and get myself out of the picture as at the time it seemed you were another failure. Oh, how wrong I was." the deranged man muses. 

"What do you mean another failure?" I growl lowly.

"Well, I was on a mission to create a being, a shifter more powerful than werewolves that I could use as a weapon. I impregnated rogue wolves, one being your mother Lucy, mixing my DNA with that of a werewolf's and then mutating the fetus with my magic. At first, I thought I had finally succeeded, your mother successfully came to term, only one other had made it that far, and you were a surprisingly strong babe. When I suggested we move into a human town since you were human she jumped at the chance to escape the drama and danger of her world but as you grew and seemed to be so... ordinary, I needed an out." He finishes with a shrug. 

"SO YOU KILLED MY MOTHER!?" Lucy shrieks, tears streaming from her glowing eyes as she struggles again in my hold.

"You were supposed to die too, but it seems you aren't as ordinary as I had thought." I snarled loudly at his comment, tightening my grip on lucy's shoulders as her struggling ceases in her shock.

"No, no don't give me that look as soon as I heard that a powerful shifter with your description had found their way to the Silver moon pack I immediately knew I had to get you back. Don't you see blueberry? Now that I'm back you can come home, we can take over the werewolf world together."

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