CH 6: Shopping With The Girls

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Lucy parker pov

Don't get me wrong shopping I usually do not enjoy. But shopping with Jenna and Mia now that sounds fun. Plus I really need new clothes.

"Oww my ears!" Xavier yells.

"Whoops?" I smile sheepishly. He sends a small glare my way. I stand there awkwardly for about two minutes before actually asking him the question I was thinking.

"Umm where am I going to sleep tonight?" I ask hesitantly.

"Well, with me of course." He says like it's the most obvious thing in the world. Oh hell no.

"No fucking way!" I exclaim not really thinking about the things coming oug of my mouth. With my words his eyes darken and he steps closer to me until our chests are practically touching.

He leans down until his lips are nearly touching my ear and my breathing quickens slightly. "Well I guess you're going to have to deal with that then, aren't you? Besides you slept in my bed with me last night I bet you liked it. Don't lie to yourself Lucy..." he whisprs in my ear and I choke on air I try to say something but nothing comes out.

My head slowly nodds without my permission and he leans back with a satisfied smile. "Now I believe that Jenna's... busy so you can go down and watch something on the TV if you like. I need to go do some work." He says walking out of the room while I stand there stunned.

I quickly snap out of it and go down stairs to watch TV.

*Time skip to next day*

I rush down the stairs to where Jenna and Mia are waiting. I smile at them and Mia jumps forward. "Hey! I'm mia Jays ma-girlfriend..." she says with a smile. Shes beautiful with straight blonde hair, misty blue eyes and a sweet slightly highpitched voice. I smile back.

"Hi! I'm Lucy... but I suppose you new that..." I say with a nervous smile to which she responds with a giggle.

"Come on its shopping tiiiime!!!!!!!" Jenna yelled with enthusiasm. We all laugh and rush into a car (which I don't pay much attention to).

*Time skip to mall*
We finally arrive at the mall after a long car ride of laughing and singing (terribly of course). We walk inside and excited smiles form on our faces as we run towards forever twenty one.

*Time skip to 1 hr later*
I know have around 7 bags full of clothes from different stores; I have a lot of t-shirts,4 pairs of jeans, a few dresses, about 7 pairs of shoes, three hoodies and a denim jacket and a few other things. We have Jays credit card so Mia says we don't have to worry about the prices but I still keep an eye on money I spend.

We decided to have a small break and we stopped for starbucks. Its as where walking to a table with our drinks that I spot them; a group of three guys all wearing dark sunglasses staring at us. I look closer at them as we sit down and they quickly look away. Strange.

I notice they look a little older than us and quite buff, a small flash of fear goes through me so I look down. I look out the side of my eye and see they're staring at us again.

I look back to the girls and whisper as quietly as I can. "Hey guys do you see the three guys sitting over there staring at us?" I motion subtling in their direction with my head.

They look over at them and a look of realization washes over there expressions before they turn back to me. "oh I'm sure they're harmless probably just checking us out, I mean we are gorgeous!" Jenna exclaims flicking her hair dramatically.

We finish our drinks and stand up to continue shopping; but I realize as we are walking away Jenna turns and starts making angry hand gestures towards them. I wonder what that was about? Oh well I think as Mia links all three of our arms together.

*Time skip to 30 mins later*
My smile fades as we walk out of another store, I spot the same three guys standing outside the shop opposit the one we just came out of. I look over at them and they once again look away.

I start to get a little scared so I link arms with the girls and walk a little faster. They look and me questioningly but I just put on a fake smile. I've gotten really good at fake smiles and forced laughs.

We go into another shop and my fear fades slightly knowing that there are plenty of people in here, they couldn't possibly touch us with so many people around.

I smile as Jenna starts piling clothes for me to try on into my arms and Mia giggles beside me.

* Time skip 2hrs*
I am vurging on terrified as we walk out of another store and they follow us down the mall. Faith is growling in my mind, stiff in defence incase of a threat.

They've been following us the whole time I look over subtly every time we go in our out of a store and they're always there. I only mentioned it once more to the girls and they didn't seem at all worried; just brushed it off as a coincidence.

"Hey Lucy are you ok? you've been quiet for a while now and your looking quite pale!" Mia says sounding concerned.

"Oh my god you're as pale as a ghost! Are you feeling ok?!?! Wait of course you're no-" Jenna starts but I cut her off.

"Jenna! Calm down I'm fine just feeling a little off... do you think we could head home now?" I say running a hand through my hair. Wait did I just say home!?!

Mia looks down at all the bags piled high in our arms. "Yeah I think we've got enough for now anyway." She says with a small smile.

With that we head out of the mall and to the car. We put all the bags in the boot of the car with some difficulty and the girls refused to let me help because I 'wasn't feeling well'.

We arrived back at the house with little fuss and we carried everything inside and dumped it in the living room. "We'll get someone to take them up later." She says with a smile. we head into the kitchen to get some soup to 'help me feel better' as Jenna put it.

As we walk in I immediately notice the guys standing in the middle of the kitchen laughing at each other it seems. They turn to look at us as soon as we enter the kitchen.

I get the compelling urge to hug xavier and I know faith feels it too because she pushes at my mind but I push it down as we go and stand opposite them. I try to shove it down but as soon as I'm no more than a metre away from him I quickly cling onto him and burry my face in his chest. To my suprise arms wrap my waist and he hugs me back.

I pull back to see Xavier staring down at me in astonishment as the girls smirk knowingly at me and the guys smile in my direction. I quickly realise what I've done and jump back next to the girls face hot and the colour of a tomato. I hear Xavier chuckle but keep my gaze fixed firmly on my shoes.

"So how about some of my mothers famous feel better soup I promised you?" Jenna exclaims cheerily and I nod quickly in agreement. Mia and Jenna shoot the guys a look and they file out of the kitchen as Jen starts getting out pots and pans.

*Time skip to 15 mins later*
We sit on the couch, me with a bowl of delicous smelling soup and them with mugs of tea for mia and coffee for jen. I taste the soup and immedistly feel better, calmer and much safer.

"This is really good thanks Jen." I say smiling at Mia and Jen.

"Should be its my mothers secret recipe that she learnt from her mum, that she learnt from her mum and so on and so on" she replies with a proud smile causing me to chuckle slightly and Mia to giggle at our friend.

I said our friend not just her friend but ours, do I think of the girls as my friends... yeah. Do I think of Xavier as my friend... I would maybe but... I can't stop thinking of him being something more.

'Do we... do we have a crush on him? Yeah we probably do crap.' Faith mutters in my head. ' no! No we don't we do not!' I cry in reply my voice defensive even in my mind. 'No we don't... no'

A/N Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, who do you think thoose guys were and does she have a huge crush on Xavier? Share your opinion in the comments I would love to know what you guys think😊
By Mysterious_mischief

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