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I knew snooping was wrong, but I had to figure out what was up. I had just met Ryan yesterday, so I couldn't expect him to just come out and tell me his life's story. When I exited the classroom, I stood just out of sight from the door. Luckily, neither Ryan or Mr. Adams, bothered to close it.

"I want to talk to you about something very serious, Ryan," Mr. Adams began. I heard no reply from Ryan. "Is there something you would like to tell me?"

"No, Sir," Ryan said. He was nervous. I could tell from his voice.

"Ryan, this picture you drew, it is not something I would expect to get from a student. Especially not one as talented as yourself." Again, I heard no repy from Ryan. "A self portrait like this caught my attention, and demanded my attention. I am not trying to pry into your student life, Ryan, but you must understand I am concerned as your teacher."

"I'm fine, Mr. Adams. Nothing to worry about. Just got a little carried away, that's all," Ryan said so convincingly, I almost believed him. Almost.

"Alright, but if you ever need someone to talk to, you know where to find me," Mr. Adams continued, unconvinced, but giving in.

"I'll keep that in mind, Sir." I heard them exchange goodbyes, as I bolted for the school's front entrance.

I walked home that day, without bothering to check my cell or put in my ear buds. I was enjoying the peace and quiet. Sometimes it was nice to just think, and believe me, I had PLENTY to think about..


I hadn't talked to Peyton much this week, she was way too perky for my taste. Like one of those teacup chihuahuas. However, today I made an effort to talk to her, but for one reason only.

"Hey," I said, trying to sound cheerful.

"Hi, Summer! Where have you been?! Not getting lost again I hope!" she answered with her signature perk.

"No, been finding my way around quite nicely, thanks to you!" I smiled.

We sat down together during second period, and I got a chance to pass notes with her.

Hey, so I have a question?


What do you know about that 'Ryan Edwards' guy? I tried to sound as casual as possible.

Oh not much really. He used to be one of the populars a year or so back, but one day he just stopped hanging out with them. Stopped hanging out with anybody actually. No communication, no passing greetings in the hall, nothing. He just totally blocked everyone out. Freaky if you ask me.


Yup. Now he's just one of the weird kids. People just act like he never talked to them before.

The bell rang and I told Peyton thanks for the info. She asked if I wanted to eat lunch at her table, but I politely declined and said I would catch up with her later.

I walked brusquely into the cafeteria and my eyes immediately went to Ryan's table, but it was empty. I scanned the crowd for him, but I spotted nothing so I walked to our regular table. Maybe he was running late. But just as I was sitting down, something outside caught my eye. Someone sitting outside in a dark blue hoodie. The same hoodie Ryan was wearing yesterday. I walked outside to join him in the grass, and I noticed it was a good 80 or 85 degrees out there.

"Hey," I said. I took off my jacket and spread it on the grass to sit on. Ryan took a quick glance at me, then looked away towards the parking lot. I tried again. "So why couldn't you come yesterday?"

He looked at me and one side of his mouth twitched until he finally let a smirk make its way onto his face. "What? Did ya miss me already?"

I felt my face flush. "No. I just- woah! Ryan! What happened to your face?!" I exclaimed as I noticed various cuts and bruises on his face.

His smirk quickly disappeared just like that. He turned away, again, and stared at the parking lot. "Nothing."

"Ryan, obviously something-"

"I was doing yard work and just got scraped up a bit! Okay?!" he said harshly. He turned and studied me. I kept my mouth shut and was suddenly interested by the grass. "Look," he said softening his tone. "I'm fine, just scraped up a little. Don't worry about me. Okay?"

I glanced him over, taking in his sweatshirt and skinny jeans. He tugged at one of his sleeves, pulling it down to cover his hand. "Okay," I finally gave in.

We carried on light conversation for while, until Ryan checked his watch. "We better be getting to class. Come on." He pulled me up and we walked to class.

"So, is that invitation still available?" Ryan asked once we began working in art.

"Of course! You wanna come today?" I asked. I was a little more excited than I should have been, but I was actually excited to have something to do.

"Umm..." he thought for a moment. I started to worry that he was going to cancel again. "Sure," he answered smiling at me.

The bell rang and we walked to the parking lot finding Ryan's car.

"So, I don't have any of my art supplies I figured we could just hang out. Maybe walk around and do a little exploring," he suggested.

"Yeah, that sounds awesome. A good way to start off this summer weather," I agreed.


Sorry it's not very long! I will go ahead and update the next chapter. I promise it is longer!

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