The Problem

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Harry's POV

"Sir, Sir, we must insist that you talk to us," I heard a familiar voice, I looked up to see Victor Crum looking down on me. I sat up slowly to see that I was surrounded by my friends, Hermuone, Ginny, Ron, Seamus, Dean, Victor Crum and a view others from the ministry, I felt weird, like I was looking down on myself, from out of my body. I, well my body, stood up and looked around, I found myself in the Malfoy Manor just as I was a minute ago. Except it wasn't a minute ago, it was now 5:30, a whole three hours later, that's when it hit me, I remembered everything, Voldamort, Me,  the Death Eaters, Bellatrix Lestrange, Draco's father! I looked around quickly, they weren't here anymore, where had they gone? "Harry, are you okay?" I heard Hermione ask me from behind, I turned to face her and put my hand to my scar, it hurt, but I couldn't tell them about what happened, not yet at least, "Yeah, I'm fine," I slightly whispered to Hermione, "I think, I just hurt my head that's all," she looked at me worried and put her hand on my shoulder as she guided me to a nearby chair. I sat down and asked what had happened. "We came when we got an anonymous call saying that you were here and so were a load of escaped Death Eaters. Along with some we had never caught, but when we got here no one was to be seen," Victor Crouch said as it appeared that Hermione couldn't quite make out the words, " The only thing we saw was you lying right there," she said as she pointed to where I had woken up," You were unconscious, George went to check the rest of the house with Ron to see if there were any other Death Eaters but they found no one, only a letter to say that The Dark Lord had risen again and that he had an advantage this time that he could use to destroy all," I gulped, what if I couldn't control the dark lord, what if I would have to go through his life as the Dark Lord? What about Ginny?! I was worried about her, worried about everyone, they didn't know what might happen to them until it was too late! I was so worried but I didn't want to tell them, what if it was a dream and it didn't happen? What if I end up killing the ones he I love and having to watch it without a say, I started to cry as George came in with a glass of water and handed it to me with a sympathetic look, I didn't want sympathy, sympathy just made it even harder to tell them what I was about to say, he didn't now if this was the hatred of Voldamort in him or the love of Harry in him but he didn't care, I was doing it to so they would be save. I stood up walked forwards a bit and turned around on my heels to face them, half looking down, half looking up, if that makes any sense, I whispered it the first time, "Leave Me Alone." They all looked at me a bit confused, "I said LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yelled guide loud this time so that they could all hear me. They stood still on the spot besides Hermione who walked up to me half sad, half confused and tried to rest her hand on my shoulder but instead I stood back and grabbed her wrist tightly and yelled in her face, "LEAVE ME ALONE!" She was startled at the words that had come out of my mouth and instead started to cry in pain at how tightly I was holding her, Ron came up to her and forcefully took my hand from her pushed it away and pulled Hermione back cradling her in his arms. He looked at me with a disgusted look and I apparated away into a place that I didn't know but I assumed that maybe Voldamort did, seeing as he was a part if me, I might as well use that to my advantage. I looked around all of a sudden 12 figures emerged from the darkness dressed in black, including Finrir who was a half werewolf and half human, they all bowed at me and said, well, whispered in unison, "Master," as they bowed. For some weird reason my scar didn't hurt anymore, but for some reason something else did. Something on my forearm really began to hurt and when I pulled up my sleeve I saw the Dark Mark, I went back to school in three days, what if. Someone saw this, I stared at it bowing that that wasn't the big problem here, the big problem was the fact that I was part if this now! And there's no going back now!

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