The Surprise

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I go to school tommorow dreading what might happen, I had been sleeping at Malfoy Manor as for some strange reason I felt comfortable there, like I could relax and be myself, well, both of myselfs! I hadn't left the manor besides a couple of times, to meet the Death eaters and discuss our plans, to get revenge, I don't know why but I felt so angry all the time, and happy with having all the deatheaters at my command. I knew that the Voldamort side I me was taking over but I didn't really care, there wasn't much I could do to stop it, I knew it was going to happen just not so soon, I still didn't want this to happen, I still wanted to just be Harry but I knew that I had to accept the Voldamort side aswell swing as soon there might only be a Voldamort side, that didn't stop me from trying though, well, the Harry me. I was wandering around the library reading up on Ancient History when I heard a knock on the door, at first I assumed that it might be a deatheaters but I knew that us Death Eaters had no use for doors, I apparated downstairs as I couldn't be bothered to walk, even though it sometimes messed with my stomach. I opened the door, wand at the ready only to see Ginny Weasley standing there facing me with a worried expression on her face, but I had no need for her pity talk, "Harry..." I shut the door in her face before she had a chance to talk. "Harry!" I heard her yell from outside, she might be a Weasley and I really don't want her hear but I might as well just listen to what she has to say, I can't keep ignoring her forever, plus, knowing the Harry side of me, either I let her in or she blows the door down, being as persistent as she is. I froze there for a minute on the hard wooden floor before turning round to open the door and let the Weaslette in. As soon as I opened the door she looked at me, now quite sad and her eyes filled with worry, "Harry..." She looked at me with those sad eyes but I felt nothing. "What do you want, if you came here to stare at me then I appreciate the gesture but get a photo instead, I'm busy!" I said with a harsher tone then I meant to use but the same message still got across, either she talks or leaves, her pick. "Harry..." She repeated as she put he'd hand in her belly and looked down, "Harry..., I'm pregnant!" Her eyes filled with worry but mixed in with joy. She looked as though she was about to collapse right there and then but instead she stood tall and strong. She probably hoped that I would return back to normal, come be with her and the others and live happily for ever, but it was too late for that now! He had left her and that was that, he was in to deep.

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