The Arrival

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Harry's POV

We are on our to Hogwarts today, I was nervous to go back, most people knew what I had done and therefor I sat in a separate carriage all on my own, Malfoy stopped by once to laugh at me and insult me but instead I punched him in the nose and shut the carriage door. I didn't care for his rude remarks today, I no longer had my friends, my best friends that I had loved forever, and my girlfriend, although, Luna being who she was found out about this and she told me that they were still my friends but just getting over what I had done, well, if they were still my friends then they didn't seem to show it. I was also quite excited seeing as today was the day of the Re-sorting, I was actually hoping to be sorted anywhere but Gryfindor seeing as then I wouldn't have to look at my Ex-friends, and because of my sudden Character change I knew that I wouldn't be put in Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw, but it was most likely that I'd be put in Slytherin, I didn't feel to bad about that though seeing as I am technically half King of Slitherin, and I could speek Pouseltongue, and it was said by the sorting gay when I first started that I would be sorted in to Slutherin, I guess now is my time! Not only this but if I was sorted into Gryfindor then it was likely that at least Hermione wouldn't be there for we all knew that she'd be moved to Ravenclaw with Luna. I don't what it is about Luna but there's something about her that just intrigues me! How she always knows stuff that no one else would, how she can tell you stuff about yourself that even you didn't know, how she can see every single little detail you wouldn't notice otherwise, she was just a remarkable woman, and no one ever noticed it. So, why was I suddenly noticing it?
My thoughts were soon interrupted by the train whistle indicating we were close to Hogwarts, so, at that moment, I stood up and grabbed my robes from out of my trunk and went to go get changed. When I arrived back at my compartment fully dressed in my robes I put my clothes that I had previously been wearing into my trunk just as the train pulled to a halt. I grabbed the rest
of my stuff along with Hedwig and walked out of my compartment and started to walk towards the exit, as soon as I stepped onto the platform I was in no hurry to stay here so I left my bags for Flitwick and rushed off in the direction of Hogwarts not stopping once and before I knew it I had arrived arrived at Hogwarts, I looked around, a few students were already here and greeting each other with smiles which mad me frown a bit at the thought of my friends and what I had with them. I looked around, they had done well rebuilding Hogwarts after the war, part of me smiled at the fact that ther was still mess about the place, lumps of stone, old bricks that had fallen down, it amused me, but I knew that that was just the Voldamort in me or was it?!

(Authors note: Just wanted to dedicate this to my 3 best friends, Tash, Lizi and ----- who are currently in Germany and I will miss them, see you guys soon!)
(Also dedicated to Ginny, Luna and me, Hermione, us three are all inseparable, till the end!)

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