The Sorting

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Harry's POV

We all waited in the Great Hall while the First Years were being sorted, we got quite a few including a group of three that stayed together through the whole thing, I could tell they were going to be together forever, it reminded me of us, me, Hermione and Ron, I missed them, but I was doing this to save them, now that Me and Voldamort were I needed to stay away from them, I didn't want to hurt them! After the First Years sorting Proffesor McGonagol did a welcome speach for the First Years wishing them good luck and a good first year at Hogwarts and then she moved onto our resorting. As expected Hermione got put into Ravenclaw and then Ron got put into Gryfindor then My then was called out, "Harry Potter!" I stood up and went over to sit on the stool while the sorting hat was placed on my head, I swear it didn't take more than 1 second before it yelled "SLYTHERIN!"  I swear it had barely touched my head, but I didn't look that shocked, this had been my plan for me all along, everyone in the Great Hall was silent all but a few people whispering in shock, surprise and confusion, but I couldn't blame them, so I just walked over to the Slytherin table and slumped down in a spare seat. Next up Luna's name was called up, and as she skipped towards the stool to sit down I realised that she looke so much more radiant and mature since before the war, her hair seemed to gleam 100% more, her eyes seemed to sparkle 100% brighter and she looked 10000% prettier, she looked like an angel and before I realised what was happening she came skipping towards me as happy as ever.
"What are you doing over here?" I asked curiously with a harsher tone then I meant to use at all,
"I was sorted into Slytherin," she replied with her beautiful voice that sounded like it could make birds sing and butterflies' wings flap, and could make the darkest of souls turn bright,
"Well," I replied cheerily," I'm glad that we'll be able to spend more time together then," I screeched sounding weirder then you could imaging  as I extended my hand which she took quick land smiled at me with a blinding smile that I wish I could see more often, I think I was beginning to like this.

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