The Changes

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Harry's POV

After our meal our House Leaders led us to our Common Rooms, of course, Slytherins was in the dungeons, it hadn't change much since the war, but then again, how was I to know? I had only been there once before in my first year. I barely remembered it, a lot happened during my time at Hogwarts, I shook my head as I remembered everything, that's when I looked at Luna who was wandering around looking at every single thing in there, the sofa, the stairs, the doors, the lights, the fireplace, and all the portraits etc. She was so... So... just so Luna! I see why she was put in Ravenclaw! She's not smart of logic or facts that you fin in books, but she's smart of emotions, the brain and ourselves. She was always so kind, it made me miss Ginny, she was amazing, a truly magnificent woman and I just missed her so much, she was brave, confident and persistent, I stared at the floor as I though off her, that's when I felt a delicate hand touch my shoulder. I looked up to see Luna,
"I miss my friends too you know, well, I didn't really have any, but I knew people in Ravenclaw, we will make some new friends here, after the war most death eaters left with their kids, so there aren't very many bad people in Slytherin any more," she looked around at everything with a quick glance and then looked back at me,
" I heard about what happened at Malfoy Manor and everything, most people now,"
"Yes, well, I'm sure that everyone loves a good gossip around here, and I'm sure that news spread like wildfire," I said as I sat on the end of the couch and rubbed my head with my hand, that's when I suddenly realised how tired I was, Luna sat beside me,
"Well apparently your not the only one, I heard that Ron and Hermione aren't doing too well, Hermione was doing her rounds around the school with Malfoy the other night to see if there were any students around after curfew, seeing as there Head Boy and Girl, and apparently they found Ron and Astoria Greengrass getting a bit touchy in the classroom. Hermione was in tears!"
"I never knew that you were one for gossip Luna,"
"Well, I like to wonder round to school in my spare time and I guess you here things,"
I stared at her for a bit, MERLIN, she was absolutely gorgeous, that's when all of a sudden u leant in and kissed her, well, more snogged really, I don't know why came over me, I just, went for her, as I pulled back to look at her reaction, she smiled, hooked her hand round the back if my neck and pulled me in to kiss me again, we held it for a while before she pulled away and said to me as she turned to leave, "Night Harry," she walked up the stairs, her hand resting gently on the handrail, gliding up it as she went until she was completely out of site. I sat on the sofa for a while, thinking about what happened and everything that happened throughout the year, as I sat there thinking, I began to feel my eyelids drooping and before I knew it I was drifting off to sleep. The last question that wandered round my head searching for an answer was, what happened during the war to make Luna suddenly be put into Slytherin? But with that thought I drifted if to an unknown world.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2015 ⏰

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