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—The great wolf Theon, spent centuries defeating monsters of old so humanity could thrive

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—The great wolf Theon, spent centuries defeating monsters of old so humanity could thrive.


TEN MINUTES LATER I was downstairs, standing outside the door to Jackson's office. I held up a hand to knock at the same moment I heard his voice from behind the door.

"Come on in, Alex."

I entered with a huff, head tilted in his direction and eyes narrowed warily as I approached the large mahogany desk overflowing with books and loose leaves.

The oversized man was sitting in a brown armchair built to accommodate his size and he was baring his teeth at me, his idea of a kind smile I think. It did nothing to ease my suspicions, however.

Behind him was a whiteboard with an assortment of sticky notes, cutouts and pictures of unfamiliar faces tacked all over it, connected together by a web of red twine as if he were a detective trying to solve some kind of murder mystery.

"Mom said I should talk to you, I guess," I mumbled, looking about the room.

Jackson nodded slowly and the smile he was sporting wilted into a slight frown. In that moment he looked so much like Tristan that it was almost uncanny.

"Where w-"

"Have you ever like... eaten anyone?" I asked, cutting him off before he could finish.

You can't blame me for asking either. Every Hollywood movie I've ever seen with werewolves in it, they were almost always munching on humans like the last supper, and that's not exactly how I wanted to go out.

Jackson's thick brows furrowed before he let out a boisterous laugh, "Well I-"

"Do wolves really need a full moon to shift? Is shifting painful? Can a silver bullet kill your? Why didn't you guys tell me anything this whole time either and why is everyone in this town so nice all the time? Mom said we were on a hidden continent, is that true? How is it kept secret from the rest of the world?"

The more questions I asked, the more popped up in my head and as I fired them off at Jackson, I was making my way around the office, pulling out centuries old looking books and peeking under stacks of paper for god knows what.

Jackson only smiled warmly at me, getting to his feet.

"I know you have a lot of questions, Alex. I think the best way to get all that information is by reading this book," Reaching up to one of the shelves high above my head, Jackson pulled out a leather bound book and blew a light film of dust from it before placing it in my grasp, "This has all the answers you're looking for."

Yeah, the only problem is, I hate reading with a passion.
Jackson clearly never got the memo.

I scrunched up my face, looking down at the book scornfully, "Great, even more homework."

To Kiss A 𝙹𝙴𝚁𝙺𝚆𝙰𝙳 [Werewolf|Vampire Romance]Where stories live. Discover now