Chapter 1: Meeting the boys

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Picture of Emily

I woke up with tears and sweat running down my face as I have another nightmare. Getting down my bed I gently walk to the bathroom to get ready for another day at school. As I walk out I hear a shout from downstairs and knew that he is awake.
"Emily you better get your ass down here and make breakfast, before I get up there and drag you down"
I silently walk as fast as I could down there. Hoping I wouldn't get beaten today, this morning at least.
(After cooking breakfast and give him the food)
As he toke a bite off the breakfast he spits towards me and yelled.
"What the hell is this, it taste like a f***ing dog shit"
I mumble a sorry knowing I'm getting beaten either way. He walk towards me and drag me by the hair and throw me on the ground. He punch me in the face and start kicking my stomach and punching me until I heard a crack and knew that I was going to have a few broken ribs.

I ran or try to go as fast as I can upstairs and cover the bruises on my face with some make up and start to walk as face as I could to school.
But before I could make it out the door he grab my wrist and whisper in my ear.

"Enjoy your first day and don't even think about telling anyone. There's no point anyway they would just ignore you and think that your a messed up freak"


As I got my timetable and walk out of the office . I bump into a wall and drop all of the book. I haven't realise it was  a person until I look up and say sorry but notice that he was still staring at me with shock and I realise that my shirt has lifted up a bit showing the fresh bruise from this morning. I try and cover it up but realise that it was too late.

"Hey are you alright?"He ask

"Yeah. Um can you please help me to find my first class" I reply walking away.

"Yeah sure, let's see,... Oh you have math with me just follow me"

And he start walking so I follow him

"So are you like new here?"

"Yeah today is my first day. What's your name?"

"I'm Jeremy, yours?"


Just as I tell him my name we stop I front of a door and I walk straight to the teacher and tell him I was new and went to sit next to Jeremy.


The bell ring signalling that it is lunch time so I walk to my locker to put all of my book in and walk outside to a tree that I notice this morning .
As I was eating my lunch a group of boys approach. I look up and saw Jeremy was one of them.

"Hey are you the new girl?" The boy with brown hair slightly messy hair and blue eyes ask.

"Um yeah, I'm Emily."

"Hey I'm josh, Jeremy and jake. We always sit here for lunch but you can still sit here if you want?"

"I'm soo sorry I didn't know and sure I will sit with you guys if that's ok"

They all nodded and Jeremy sit next to me with josh and jake on my left. Jeremy smiles at me before whisper

"I saw you have some bruises on your stomach and ribs are you ok?" He ask

" yeah I'm fine I were just clumsy and fall over all the time don't worry about it" I fake smile and saw that he didn't believe me but let it pass.

The rest of the day went by fast I found out that all of my classes I got with at least one of them which was good since they are the only people I know soo far.

I went home and saw that my dad car isn't there yet and sigh in relieve and start cleaning up and cook dinner before he gets home. Just as I put the food on the plates I heard his car pull in and I serve him food and stand there eating for him to finish so I can clean the plates since I am not allow to eat. As I finish washing up the dishes he pull me to the floor and ask

"Did you told anyone"

I shake my head no

"Good" he shouted and start to punch me. After he was down I crawl up the stairs with the little energy I had in me to my room.  Got out the first aid kit I start cleaning and wrapping up my ribs.

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