Chapter 6: Queen bees

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I woke up in the morning with the best mood as memory of last night came rushing back. I got ready and went downstairs to see all 3 boys were already there eating their breakfast. I went behind Jeremy and wrapped my arm around his waist.

"Morning beautiful" he say as he turn around to face me. I peck him on the lips as we pull apart.

"Ready to go?" I ask

"Aren't you going to have some breakfast babe?" Jeremy ask as he stand up and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Nah, I'm not really hungry" I said as I tried to make my way to the front. Note: tried

"Just have something it doesn't have to be big"

"Fine, I'll grab some cereal"

We are now at my locker getting out my stuff. As we were walking to my first class I remember that I forgot my art book. The book that get me through every class as I draw while the teacher talk about boring stuff.

"I'll be right back I just need to quickly get my book"

"Alright see you in class" they all said and Jeremy peck my lips before I start to made my way to the locker.

As I turn around I came face to face with Emma aka the queen bee or the queen slut in another name.


I say nervously not knowing what she will do to me. She never liked me but always ignore me why is she talking to me now. I thought to myself.

"Stay away from Jeremy and the boys. They don't need a freak like you in their life. Jeremy is mine and only mine. So stay away from him." She said as I tried walking away. Note: tried.

She pulled me by my hair and walk towards what I assume is the toilet.

"Please let me go" I say as she kick my stomach and her two "friends" join in and do it to.

"There is your warning. Stay away from them" she said before throw me one final kick with a crack and walk away in satisfaction.

I sat there and cry my eyes out as bell after bell ring, I can't move no matter how much I want to. It is now lunch and a girl came in and kneel down in front of me.

"Hey, are you ok?" She ask as I look up and nod my head no. She gasp and said

"You are Jeremy girl, hold on I will get them"

She said as she rush out not giving me a chance to talk. After about 2 mins I saw Jeremy rush in and kneel in front of me with a concern look in his eyes. I look down trying to avoid eye contact not wanting to tell him what happen.

"We can talk about this later. Can you stand up?"

I shake my head no. He lift me up bridal style and carry me to the nurse with Austin and josh behind us. Some time during the way I pass out since I got no energy left and how I'm starving since I skipped breakfast and lunch. I woke up to see the three boys looking really worried.

"Why do you have bruises on your stomach and why do you have broken ribs?" Before I can answer the nurse came in.

"You boys can have the rest of the day off. You need to bring her to a hospital. You can go now since she is awake."

I was attempted to try and walk until I feel a pair of strong arm carried me up and start walking out of the nurse office.

"Can you please tell what happen?" I nod my head yes and then start to tell him everything from when I went back to get my stuff up to when that girl saw me.

The rest of the car ride was silent. I just look out to the window and can feel the boys looking at me worriedly once in a while.


We are now at home and down next to Jeremy as I carefully cuddle into him. It turns out I have a broken ribs and need to be careful on everything I do.

"Don't listen to them for a second" Jeremy said as I look up at him and nod my head yes silently.

"They are just jealous of you. Because you have been through soo much but still became beautiful and smart and amazing"

"Thank you. For helping me today, sorry for making you worry the whole time. I will try and not listen to them." I said as I feel his soft lips on my forehead.

"Can you promise me something Em?"

"Sure. And Em is that new?"

He chuckle softly

"Yes and promise me that you would tell me whatever is bothering you and tell me when someone hurt you ok?"

"I promise" I said and peck his lips softly before I feel sleep about to take over me.

"I love you princess" he said before I was asleep.

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