Chapter 13

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I was laying in my bed with Kat at my side and I was just lying there holding her in my arms her back to my chest and something felt off I don't know what it just felt off.
She turns to face me and I place my hand on her stomach and run my hands up and down her stomach and I begin to feel soft goosebumps arise on her soft skin.
I smile cheeky as she shivers slightly.
"I love you" I say to her.
"I love you too" she says laying her face into my chest.
"What are we gonna do about names?"
She asks me.
"If its a boy I want to name him Ashton Carter Howell" I say and she smiles.
"I love that and how about if its a girl we name her Scarlett Rose Howell"
I kiss her.
"It's a beautiful name" I say and run over her stomach with my hands again tracing circles around her belly button and up to her bra wire and I continue this pattern.
I lay my forehead on hers and I just continue to rub until she lets out a small moan.
I laugh lightly and she turns back over facing away from me and I grab her waist and pull it towards my waist.
We hear Jenny's voice from downstairs "Phil and Elliot are here"
I hear soft footsteps up the stairs and then the two boys walk in the room.
Elliot sees Kat and walks over to her looking pissed.
"You are going to put that baby up for adoption it's going to ruin your life!"
"How will it ruin our lives Elliot" I say slightly irritated.
"You both can never go to college and you might have to drop out of high school. "
"Firstly we aren't going to drop out of high school we are going to have My mum or Kat's parents watch the baby and we won't go to college."
"But Kat your dream of becoming a photographer and a youtuber you can't just give that up because of a baby."
"No Elliot I will become a youtuber on my own and I will raise this child and I will be a photographer I can live a life okay I don't have to give up just because I'm pregnant" she says and I can tell that he is mad at Elliot which doesn't happen often.
"Okay I just care about you and I don't want you to have a bad life."
"I won't okay"
I sigh and I lay my head on Kat's shoulder and I just lay there occasionally say a few words to them here and there but in the end I just fall asleep.

"Hey Daniel" I hear Kat's voice coo in my hear.
My eyes flutter open "Hey babe" I say and then she laughs slightly am I sit up.
"Where did they go?" I ask.
"You slept all night it's like 12 right now they left hours ago"
I laugh "wow I was tired"
She laughs "yeah now get dressed we go to hear the heart beat today" she says.
I spring out if bed and rip off my clothes and throw on a new set and I pull on my shoes.
She laughs at my quickness. "That excited huh?" she asks.
I laugh "yes we are talking about our baby here"
She laughs and we walk down stairs and she pulls on he coat as it is December and we walk out the door and she hops into her car and I sit down in the passengers seat and she pulls out of the driveway and onto the main road.

We get to the doctors about fifteen minutes later and they take us in right away.
When she is up on the table the doctor puts a monitor on her bare stomach and she amplifies the sound so that we can hear it throughout the room.
The thumps are fast but it sounds like two separate beats.
"Oh my" the doctor says "I think there is two babies in there"
Kats eyes widen.
"T-twins?" we ask at the same time.
"I'm almost positive that there are two heart beats." She says.
I lay my head in my hands.
"Twins" I say not believing what I hear.
"I'm sorry Dan" she says.
"It's okay babe it's perfectly fine."
The nurse turns the machine off and sits down.
"Come back here in two months okay because that's when we can see the genders"
I nod "We will be there" I say.
She smiles as we walk out of that stupid room.
"Hey Kat baby can you drop me off a Phil's house?"
"Yes of course I can"

I walk up to Phil's door and I watch as Kat drives off in her car.
I knock on the door and about a minute later the door opens and Phil walks out.
"Hey is Elliot over?" I ask him I really need to speak with him alone.
"No why?"
"Oh thank god Phil we need to talk"
"Okay come in"
We walk up the small staircase and into his room and we sit on his blue and green checkered duvet and I sigh.
"Kat is having twins" I say.
"Oh my fucking god Dan do you need a beer or something?"
I look at him intently my longish hair covering my right eye.
"Whiskey Phil just bring the whole damn bottle."
Phil smiles "Okay"

He comes back shortly after and hands me the bottle I unscrew it and I guzzle about half that is there.
"I just don't know that I am going to be a good father to one child let alone two of them I mean what do I do Phil?"
"Well I have never raised a child but I can assure you that you will be a great father"
"Really?" I ask shedding a few scolding hit tears.
Phil takes his thumb and wipes them away. "I know you will"
I slowly lean into him and Phil leans in to and I close my eyes, and for the first time our lips touch.
I slowly brush my tongue against his bottom lip and he opens his mouth giving me an entrance to explore with my tongue.
Our mouths move in perfect sync something that I never had with Kat.
I felt the sparks run down my body and it just felt right.

There's the Phan my lovely little kittens and I will see you in the next chapter ~ScarlettKat😹

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