Chapter 14

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Ok so I know that I said I wasn't going to add Kelliot well I changed my mind and now I am so here is Phan/ Kelliot chapter I hope you like it and yeah.

I pull away from Phil's lips and my eyes widen.
"Ph-Phil what is Kat going to do she is going to be devastated that I kissed you what are we going to do!?!?" I ask Phil in panic.
"Shhh" he soothes placing a finger on my lips "Just don't tell her okay and I won't tell Elliot just live in the moment"
I smile and I place my lips on Phil's again and I deepen the kiss falling on top of him. This was going to be a good night the realisation that. I Daniel James Howell am now gay.
Phil was all that I wanted even though I wanted to be a part it my children's lives I wanted Phil and someday I will have to tell her but right now I will just keep loving Phil.


I slowly drive away after dropping off Dan.
He doesn't know that I am cheating on him and he doesn't have to know. I love my Elliot and I regret having sex with Dan but the babies that he gave me make it worth it. I already love my little babies.
I drive to Elliot's house and he greets me at the door
"Hello, love" he says with his cute British voice speaking in my ear.
I hug him tight and kiss his cheek "Hello, sweets"
He smiles and hugs me close to him.
"Wanna watch a movie?" he asks me pulling me in the door and shutting it.
"Yes what movie do you have in mind?" I ask running my fingers through his silky brown hair.
"Christmas Vacation"

Flashback 12/9/2009:
I sit silently at the table feeling as if I am about to cry. I hate being picked on for my weight.
"Your not fat Kat okay Josiah is fat okay you don't have wings dangling from your arms you aren't fat" I here my friend Jordan say.
I burry my head into my crossed arms which sit on the table.
"Yes I fucking an cant you just see that."
Elliot puts his hand on my arm and it feels good and soft.
He moves his hand up to play with my piece of bangs that hangs over my arms and the tears just roll out of my eyes.
I grab Elliot's hand and I just hold it and let the tears flow.


"Okay, love sounds good" I say smiling.
He smiles getting up from the couch that we had sat on and goes into the bottom cabinet under the TV and searches through and pulls out the DVD.
"Tonight when Santa squeezes his fat white ass down the chimney he is going to find the jolliest bunch of ass holes on this side of the but house. Hallelujah. Holy shit, where's the Tylenol"
I laugh at Elliot's sudden Griswold out burst and I laugh.
"Yes now put the movie in" I say grinning.
"Okay anything for you love" he says putting the movie in and sits on the couch next to me and grabs my hand.

Sorry it is so short and in edited I was busy sorry guys. I love you all. ~ScarlettKat😿

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