Chapter 1

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The clouds swirled above Stacie as she entered the school building. When she walked inside she could hear her friend calling out to her from across the packed lobby. She walked over, shedding her raincoat and pulling out her long hair in the process. "Did you hear what happened last night" asked Victoria as Stacie finally managed to squeeze through the crowd and walk up to her friend. "No, what happened?" Stacie asked as she took out her study paper for science. "Well apparently from what I heard, Kaitlyn said she saw the colors last night" Victoria said as they both looked over the study guide. "What, really!" Stacie said looking at Victoria. "She says she did but I think she is just making it up to get attention" said Victoria, never taking her eyes off of the paper. She really didn't want to get a bad grade on the test today. "Am I the only one who thinks this is a big deal!" Stacie laughed. "Yes Stacie, you are the only one who finds this as big deal as you do" Victoria said as she skimmed the part about cells.

"The colors are a big deal though" said Stacie "I mean, we walk around seeing grey everywhere but when we touch the one we are meant to be with we see the colors! I mean, you have to at least admit that's pretty cool" she continued, trying to convince Victoria.

She had always thought the colors was cool. She had often fantasized of finally meeting someone and touching them and seeing the colors. Obviously there were people who didn't believe in the colors but she did. She always had. She also knew that you could grow to see the colors with someone but she liked the (altho rarer) spontaneously seeing them kind better.

" I guess its kinda cool" said Victoria. "Whatever" said Stacie with a smile as she rolled her eyes. They talked a bit and looked over the study guide until the bell rang. They allowed themselves to be swept away by the crowd and separated. Stacie dodged and navigated her way through the crowd with ease while Victoria got stuck behind a wall of students. Stacie got her stuff from her locker and put her backpack away before the bell signaling that they could go to class sounded. She got to homeroom early and opened her book before she had to talk to the kids slowly trickling in.

Mrs. Adams started trying to get the class to engage in a group conversation about what it means to be a responsible student. It wasn't going very well. Stacie tried to listen at first but then when she saw that almost no one else was doing anything she gave up and resumed reading her book. She was much more interested in that anyway.

Suddenly Alex walked in. She strode over to the Stacie's table (the teacher made her sit over there because she would talk too much anywhere else) and sat down across from Stacie. "Whatcha reading" she asked with a smirk on her face. "Like you care" replied Stacie sarcastically. "Oh really!" said Alex, snatching the book from Stacie before she could move it out of arm's reach. "Thats stupid" Alex said, looking at the cover. "Well then its a good thing that you're not reading it" said Stacie, taking it back from her and putting it away. She wasn't going to let Alex make her lose her place or bend some pages again. Three weeks of sitting with the school bully made her used to whatever she was going to do. Mrs. Adams saw that Stacie wasn't reading and decided to make them complete a paper about the definition of a responsible student and provide a few examples, so that they would "get along". It didn't go well and ended up with Alex ripping up half of the paper and using the other half to make an airplane to throw at Stacie. Stacie was relieved when the bell rang and she had to go to her next class.

When she got to math class right before the bell rang (the crowds were crazy) she was in a daze. She had been reading late last night and the day seemed to drag on. She heard what the teacher was saying and copied down the notes but she just wasn't there. Her mind kept wandering off. She was finally jerked out of her state when the teacher called on her. He asked her what they were doing (she must have had a far off look on her face). She responded, to the surprise of the teacher, correctly and resumed her daydreams.

She was thinking about that event and her teacher's reaction when she was in the hallway later that day. She was trying to get through a specific group of kids when all of a sudden there was a bright flash. It wasn't bright as in a blinding light. It was bright as in the world lit up for a moment. She froze, before being shuffled off to the side by the crowd. She tried to understand what had just happened. Obviously no one else had seen it because no one had even looked up. She quickly came to her senses and ducked back into the crowd so she could get to her next class on time. She walked quickly, thinking about what had happened. She realized that she had just seen the colors! Questions were soaring through her mind. "Who was it" and "How could I figure out who it was" were the most prevalent ones.

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