Chapter 4

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The next day came quicker than Stacie had anticipated. Before she knew it, she was on the bus and almost to school. She read her book quietly while the general deafening chatter filled the bus. She turned the page of her book and found the note she had left herself last night. It said 'don't forget to set the plan into action today.' "Oh thats right, we're doing the plan today" she whispered to herself.

When she got off of the bus she went inside (it was raining as usual) and went to homeroom. Her bus was late so she made it just in time. She sat down across from Alex and listened as the teacher started talking. Alex started being annoying right away. Stacie was thinking that she wouldn't be able to handle this another day when Steph came over. Steph was Stacie's friend but they didn't hang out together like her and Victoria did. She sat down next to Stacie and whispered "You looked like you were going to flip out so I came over to make sure you wouldn't be alone with her" in her australian accent. "Thank you" Stacie whispered back enthusiastically. Stacie was glad that Steph had come over for two reasons. One was that she wasn't alone with the biggest bully in the school and the other was that Steph had seen the colors with her boyfriend.

"I was just randomly wondering about this last night, what are the colors like" asked Stacie when the teacher stopped talking. "Oh, well when you first see them the whole world lights up. It's the most beautiful thing" replied Steph. Steph had always been a romantic and was always in the mood to talk about the colors.

"Thats so cool" said Stacie. "Yes, I think so" said Steph starting to get a far off look in her eyes. Stacie rolled her eyes good-heartedly and got her book out. Alex had been talking to her friend across the room so she didn't notice. Stacie read until the bell rang.

She went to her first period class and went over the plan in her head as she walked. During the time between third and fourth period (when she saw the colors) she would be in the exact same place and write down the names of the people in the group.

She went to her classes and waited excitedly until the plan to find the culprit was to be set into action. In math she messed up alot on her assignment and in P.E. she tripped and fell on her face in front of everyone while walking. By the time third period was over she was having a bad day.

While she walked to the scene of the 'incident' (that's what her and Victoria decided to call her seeing the colors) she went over the plan about three times and got a sticky note and a pencil out. She got to the area of the hallway and positioned herself. She was acting calm and not letting any emotion show on her face but inside she felt like she was going to explode from excitement. She walked through the group of boys while observing and writing down everyone she saw. The world lit up again for a second and she almost dropped her pencil.

She continued walking calmly even though she was slightly freaking out in her head. She had managed to get the names of all the boys in the group. There were four names and she had classes with all of them. She walked quickly to fourth period. She got to class and worked on the bell work. It was easy and she finished in about a minute but she looked at it and pretended to work for a longer time. She thought about what she was going to say to Victoria and how to touch each of them (the colors only appear when two people are touching). She was trying to remember exactly what was happening when she saw the colors again and was frustrated when she couldn't remember who she was touching. The hallway was crowded but the only people she could have been touching were in that area.

The teacher got them into a line to go to lunch and they walked down the hallway noisily. Stacie got into the lunch room and immediately checked what was for lunch and got in line. While she was waiting in line she looked around the lunch room to find Victoria. She spotted her right as the lunch lady asked her what she wanted. She answered and got her food. She sat down at her usual table and waited for Victoria. She didn't have to wait long. A couple seconds later, Victoria came over with her lunch tray.

"What happened" asked Victoria excitedly as she sat down, "you look like your gonna explode." "I got four names and I saw the colors again" said Stacie. "Okay so that means that the culprit is definitely there" said Victoria as she opened her milk carton, "What names do you have." "Um, let me check" said Stacie as she pulled the sticky note out of her pocket.

"I have got Adam, Steve, Wilson, and James" said Stacie, her voice getting less enthusiastic with each person. Steve is a basketball star at their school and Wilson and James are two of the more popular people in the school. Adam was pretty normal but still hung out with Wilson and James, making him popular by association. "They're gonna be difficult to touch" said Victoria. "Well I do have classes with all of them so it can't be that hard" said Stacie. "You'd be surprised" laughed Victoria, "If you even touch one or two of them they freak out." "Well I've got to if we want to find the culprit" said Stacie.

They finished their lunch and left with their class. They agreed to meet up at the playground later that day, because it was supposed to get nice, and come up with a plan to touch each of the suspects.

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