Chapter 11

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When Stacie got to P.E. next period she was thinking about math class. She was thinking about how it felt when they held hands. The colors seemed a little more vibrant, it that was even possible. She was thinking about it when she was walking in the gym and didn't notice when Steve walked up next to her. "Hi" he said. She about jumped out of her skin. "Hi" she said after she had recovered from the scare. He walked away, leaving Stacie to wonder what that was about. Mr. H called for them to sit in their spots for warmups and Stacie went to the opposite side of the gym. After warm ups Mr. H told them that they would be in the same partners again. Stacie wondered how long this was going to go on for.

Steve came over when they were told to go to their partner, and they got in position at a basket to practice shooting. Most of the girls flocked over to their basket and it was too late to change so they were stuck there. They stood there staring at Steve while he shot three perfect baskets. It was Stacie's turn next so she went up and got the ball. Partners were supposed to be helping each other with form and when Stacie held the ball she could see Steve cringe in the corner of her eye. He came over and when he touched her hands to change their position she could hear the girls behind her whispering in anger. She was too preoccupied by the girls while she made her baskets, Steve helping her with her form, to think about the touch. When they went to the back of the line she realized that he didn't have to touch her hands to get her to change their position. She suddenly looked at him suspiciously. He was looking at the girls, figuring out their flaws with a focused look on his face while they giggled and looked back at him.

When their turn came up again he did the same thing and moved her fingers to the proper position but this time she took note of what he was doing. She looked over her shoulder to look at the girls and found half of them whispering in anger and half of them whispering in envy. She started to realize that Steve might have a thing for her. She shot her baskets and went to the back of the line with Steve. She wanted to say something to him but didn't know what to say. When it was her turn to shoot she got the ball from Steve. "I think I've got it now" she said nicely. "'Kay" said Steve. She didn't know if she had imagined it or not but she could've sworn she saw disappointment on Steve's face.

When class ended she left the gym and thought of what she was going to say to Victoria later. She had to tell her about her suspicions. She was thinking about this when Steve came up next to her in the hallway. "You did well last period" he said. "Thanks," she said "you helped a lot." "Well I'm glad to help" he said. "Yeah, question though, how come you moved my hands?" she asked, seeing her opportunity to get more information about it. "Oh, you noticed, well I was really just trying to get your attention" he said a little too confidently. "Why?" she asked, trying to look confused. "Well since you didn't seem that interested I was gonna try to see if I could get you to like me" he said. Stacie raised her eyebrows and looked at him. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Keep trying'" she said as she walked away.

She walked into her classroom and sat down. She saw Jared enter the room while she pulled out her homework. He came over and said hi. "Do you mind if I sit with you guys at lunch today," he asked "it was nice having someone to sit with." "Yeah, of course" she said, looking up at him from her seat. "Thanks" he said, his mouth turning up at the corners. As he walked past her to get to his seat he touched her shoulder. The colors bloomed then disappeared when he walked away. She looked back at him but quickly turned back towards the front to look at the teacher as she started giving instructions.

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